October 19, 2013

LEGACY X: Changing Lives One Legacy at a Time



I saw Recycled Percussion’s show 4 times while out in Vegas last month.  I had intended to post about Justin’s campaign with the review of the show(s) but due to some really poor planning on my part – his campaign on indiegogo ends in just 1 week and my review isn’t even written let alone ready to be posted in the next 7 days!

Please check out the campaign, check out the rewards and if you can, please donate. No amount is too big or too small and everything will go towards helping!

Note: This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal. Funding duration: August 26, 2013 – October 25, 2013 (11:59pm PT).

Vegas Trip: Bellagio Fountain


One night we decided to hit up the strip at dark and of course the place I wanted to see was the Bellagio Fountain.  Every 15 minutes or so it performs to a song (man I’d love to program that!). When we were there it did its thing to Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.  (When we walked by earlier it was “Hey Big Spender” and while we were eating dinner across the street we could see it but not hear what the other song choices were)

Book Review: Scaredy Squirrel prepares for Halloween

Scaredy Squirrel is back! I learned all about how to prepare for Christmas from him last year and now he is back to tell me all about how to prepare for Halloween in his safety guide for scaredies. (I am definitely a scaredy squirrel about Halloween!)

Just a note – it is recommended that you not read this book during a full moon. (I wonder what would happen if I did… hmm)

Also a note – there are spiders illustrated in this book. So… if you’re a scaredy about that like me -beware!

This is a super cute book for kids about how to prepare for Halloween and what you need to get your house ready, yourself ready, etc.  If you have a kid who is a bit nervous about the holiday, you might want to check this out with him or her to try and ease their mind a little bit so that they will be prepared for what is to come!  And I might be posting this a bit late because he recommends starting to think about your costume options in JUNE! Sorry!

I absolutely loved all the pages with the different themed costumes with the squirrel wearing each outfit.  The gnome is my favorite!  Maybe I should go as a gnome this year? I don’t know…

Overall a super cute book, great illustrations and definitely a fun series of books!

I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

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