Hi, Concert Katie, We “Tennessee-ans” hope you’ll visit Tennessee, if you haven’t already. We have great concerts here! Nancy Ragno — Author, WORD SAVVY Knoxville, TN Reply
Katie, I’ve been trying to contact you to ask permission to use your excellent and comprehensive review of my book Word Savvy on my website and promotional materials. Do I have your permission? nancyragno@gmail.com Reply
Hi, Concert Katie, We “Tennessee-ans” hope you’ll visit Tennessee, if you haven’t already. We have great concerts here! Nancy Ragno — Author, WORD SAVVY Knoxville, TN Reply
Hi, Concert Katie,
We “Tennessee-ans” hope you’ll visit Tennessee, if you haven’t already. We have great concerts here!
Nancy Ragno — Author, WORD SAVVY
Knoxville, TN
I have not yet visited Tennessee – but I would love to! Hopefully some day soon 🙂
Katie, I’ve been trying to contact you to ask permission to use your excellent and comprehensive review of my book Word Savvy on my website and promotional materials. Do I have your permission? nancyragno@gmail.com
Yes you have my permission!
Yes you have my permission!
Hi, Concert Katie,
We “Tennessee-ans” hope you’ll visit Tennessee, if you haven’t already. We have great concerts here!
Nancy Ragno — Author, WORD SAVVY
Knoxville, TN