October 24, 2013

Book Review: Writing Fight Scenes

fightscenesEvery year I consider writing a novel for NaNoWriMo.  Some years I throw something together without a plan, some years I plan things out and I think only once have I ever actually *finished* a book – though a couple of years I have reached the goal.  This year, I thought maybe I’d do some research before I write anything (if I write anything this year, I’m still not decided) and so I decided to check out Writing Fight Scenes – just in case.

Rayne Hall wrote this book because struggling with fight scenes – there was nothing out there to help writers.  Now there is.

I like that each chapter is broken down with a different type of fight scene – for instance one for entertainment, a gritty scene or blending both.  At the end of each chapter, there is a section on “blunders to avoid” which I really liked.

There are also chapters on what sorts of weapons your characters may be using in their fight scene.  I’ve never realized there were so many weapons out there. Wow.  Also guides on him your fighters are male, female or animal.

I think I am now thoroughly prepared to write a proper fight scene – should the opportunity arise.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

About the Book

This is a book for people who enjoy writing short stories or novels. and helps them master tricky aspect of their craft. “Writing Fight Scenes” is popular with hobby authors as well as professionals, and has been a bestseller in the writing craft genre for two years.

Please note: This book is not suitable for absolute beginners. You need to have taken a creative writing class, or to have some previous experience in short story writing.

Spinach Lover’s Month

I often tease that I don’t eat any food that is green – but this is a lie because I love Spinach.  So I was really excited when I thought I’d be getting some Spinach to try out and post about here.  Unfortunately, the postal service seems to be against me and anything that was sent to my previous address is either taking forever and a day to get forwarded to the new address or is just disappearing into thin air.  (There’s a black hole in the north east, it seems!)  Should it arrive I will be more than happy to share my thoughts on it – but for now, here is some more information about Spinach…

Spinach is great because it packs a nutritional punch.  It has a ton of fiber and protein packed into your diet and used in the right recipe – kids and picky eaters will love it too!

Popeye Spinach is a legendary brand – while it’s nutritional benefits are legendary, Popeye Spinach brings something just as important to the table – convenience. All you need is a can opener to enjoy Popeye’s great taste or to use as a versatile spinach recipe ingredient.

When it comes to vegetables, the fresher the better. That’s why at Freshlike we pack our vegetables within hours of picking to preserve their farm fresh flavor. Whether you’re serving canned vegetables as a side dish or using them as a recipe ingredient trust the brand whose name says it all – Freshlike!

Allens Mobile Widget takes steps toward helping families plan meals efficiently

Siloam Springs, AR – Allens, Inc., a U.S. based vegetable leader, has launched a new, consumer-friendly mobile recipe planning tool geared toward meeting the needs of on-the-go families. New content, search options, recipes and grocery lists all make it easier for consumers to answer the question … What’s for dinner tonight? The widget can be accessed on any iPhone or Android phone by logging onto Allens.com/QRrecipes.

This mobile widget is designed to enhance the shopping experience by acting as a meal-planning companion and grocery list for consumers. By logging onto the mobile site and the widget, consumers can access more than 400 hundred of recipes by brand, and then by what type of meal to be prepared, i.e. chicken, soup, etc.

Once a meal is chosen, the recipe is displayed and can be adjusted to display the look of an interactive grocery list. Each item is placed next to a check off box for after the item has been added to the consumers shopping cart. This new feature allows users to better understand the family of brands’ overall vision of the family dining experience.

“Allens is committed to meeting the needs of all our consumers,” says David Brown, Vice President, Retail Sales and Marketing. “The concept behind this mobile guide helps drive better display of all the recipe options our family of brands has to offer people-on-the-go.”

About Allens Inc.
Allens Inc., a national leader in canned and frozen vegetables since 1926, is family-owned and operated in Siloam Springs, AR. Every Allens vegetable is proudly grown and packed in North America. Allens vegetables are sold nationally and internationally with manufacturing plants throughout the Midwest, Midsouth and Southeast.


Three great recipes to choose from:


Check out Allen’s social media sites:


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Book Review: Jumpstart Your Creativity

I don’t know about you, but I always have these periods of time where I feel like I am dragging creatively.  I can’t come up with anything I want to do and end up wasting time searching for the world’s dumbest things on the internet instead of being creative in any way.  That is why I decided to check out Jumpstart You Creativity, in hopes it would give me that jolt that I need to get going again!  The book comes in at just under 100 pages, but it is jam packed with all sorts of ideas to get those creative juices flowing again.

No matter what it is you are trying to get creative with – whether it be a book, working out, getting your office to a state that allows you to be creative (I think this is my current problem), this book will have some things for you to think about.

The appendix is also full of some really great resources  with websites, books, videos, blogs, and basically everything ELSE you may ever need to help become creative.  There’s even a list of apps that might help!

The end of each chapter has an area for you to fill in, known as “Work It”, you know how I love these interactive pieces in books. And it really gives you some things to think about with what you are trying to create.  Maybe now I can get started on that e-book I’ve been meaning to write for the past, oh, 3 years.  Wait, what’s that? Videos of Monkeys riding Dogs? Oh… I must see this!

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Are you creative? Do you want to be more creative in your business and personal life?

Everyone has the ability to be creative.

This fun lighthearted and easy to read book will give you 10 Jolts to reawaken and tap into your innate creativity in order to be more successful at work and in your personal life.  In this book, you will learn the tools, techniques and methods for getting and staying creative in a competitive world.


Jumpstart Your Creativity gives you proven specific effective tools and great tips to use, to both generate ideas and evaluate them effectively. Are you ready to tap into your creativity? This book will show you how, and you will be amazed at the results!

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