Over the weekend I made my yearly trip to Tulsa, OK for the Hanson Members Only Event weekend. More details on some of the other weekend activities will come in the next few days, but for now I will just focus on the event planning of the weekend – the Members Only Event concert!
Due to the popularity of the event and Hanson’s wanting to keep things a bit more intimate, they did 2 sessions. One at 2pm and one at 7pm. We were in the 7pm session. Typically what happens is we receive our new Members Kit (a yearly EP given out to only fan club members) and then they premiere the songs live. Except this year they have been busy working on their new album ANTHEM and the promotion that comes with that so the EP was not ready – but we found out that we were in for a treat! They would be recording the EP live and each of the 5 songs had a part for us to sing or repeat so that we would all be on the EP too.
They started the concert with 6 songs from the new album, ANTHEM. Most of these I had heard at the iHeartRadio concert last month – but one – Scream and Be Free – we all had stuck in our heads because our friend Erin decided to sing one part of it – over and over and over because it was all she knew. When they started playing it we turned around and laughed at her because – well, maybe that would have helped us get it unstuck from our heads. (No such luck though as I’ve now been humming/singing it for the last 3 days – just the same part over and over lol)
After the album songs they reset the stage and did the 5 songs from the EP and taught us our parts before each song. We had to sing “on and on” for the first song, appropriately titled On and On, with Taylor in response to Zac’s singing the chorus. I don’t remember all of our parts but for Roller Coaster Love Zac and Taylor BOTH played drums (2 drum sets!) and we had to yell “COASTER!” For I think it was Best of Times they told us to sing one part and then once the song started they sang a different word so that threw us off a bit…
After the songs they did a Q&A session and then Isaac said they’d be back to do some more. They ended up singing Sound of Light for a second time – I’m not sure why, I guess they wanted something to sound different. And then they did our FAVORITE – You Can’t Stop Us Now which was a great way to end the night!
Once the show was over we hung out and met up with all our friends and did pictures and then we waited for the guys to come out. We ended up missing a photo with Isaac but got one with Zac and Taylor so I’d say it was overall a successful 78th show 🙂
Fired Up
I’ve Got Soul
Cut Right Through Me
Scream And Be Free
Get The Girl Back
Already Home
On and On
Call Out My Name
Roller Coaster Love
Best Of Times
Sound Of Light
Sound Of Light
You Can’t Stop Us Now