January 23, 2013


The latest product I was sent to try from bzzagent was the Neutrogrena Norwegian formula hand cream.  I was sent the cream in the “fragrance free” version, which I liked a lot because sometimes the scents bother me or other times they smell so good I want to try and eat my hand off.  With the fragrance free, I could repair my dry and cracked hands that are dealing with the harsh winter and not have to worry about anything but my hands getting back to normal.

You really need only the smallest amount of cream on your hand and it will go a LONG way on both of your hands.  This is a formula created by norwegian fishermen.   Talk about dealing with the elements of winter! Faced with some of the harshest , coldest weather on earth, they used a formula that delivers concentrated levels of glycerin to dry, chapped skin providing immediate and lasting relief.  Five years of independent clinical testing confirmed what the fishermen knew all along – Norwegian Formula® Hand Cream consistently outperformed other products.  Today, the Norwegian Formula product line includes a variety of body, hand and foot moisturizers to meet your individual dry skin needs.

I was quite impressed with this product.  It didn’t leave my hands feeling slippery or greasy after I used it, I had no problem putting it on and then typing away and not worrying about my keyboard getting gunked up, or picking up items and worry that they’d go flying across the room because my hands were slippery.  The small amount that you can use is great too because that means that the cream will last for many, many uses which is definitely something you want to think about when you are buying items like these!

I received a free sample of the cream from Neutrogena through bzzagent in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated and all opinions and thoughts are my own.


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