The Wonderland Alphabet is a short book chronicling the characters of Alice in Wonderland (and other important pieces of Wonderland) from A to Z. Each letter is devoted to one topic and one page in the book. There is a short write up about each of the items on each page as well.
The book is wonderfully illustrated and really captures the true essence of the characters, I think! The Illustrations are by Janet K. Lee and the verses are written by Alethea Kontis. Of course, the characters are inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.
The Disney version of Alice is one of my favorite movies, I’ve also seen the Tim Burton version but shockingly enough have not read the books. I think that this Alphabet would be a great precursor to anyone looking to read the books that might not know anything about the story. Or of course for anyone who loves the character and the story and wants to check out an additional version.
I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.