November 25, 2012

Book Review: Secrets & Lies

Secrets and Lies is about high school best friends, Lettie, Jackie and Laura Beth who are dealing with the death of their other friend, Taylor.  Jackie is dating the president’s son and the secret service are looking for her because there have been threats made against her.

The girls try to have a normal high school senior year, but with all the secrets and lies revolving Taylor’s death and Jackie’s boyfriend’s Andrews possible involvement in the accident that killed her, the girls are on high alert.  Jackie ends up finding out that Andrew cheated on her with Taylor before Taylor’s death and it is eating away at him. Jackie doesn’t know what to do and if she should stay with him.  Lettie faces having to go back to her home country and the girls try to find a way to get her to graduate with them. Laura Beth is struggling with whether or not she should stay with her boyfriend after some bad news comes out about his family.

This is a great young adult book although the issues that the girls have to deal with are a bit more extreme than your typical young adult, there is a lot of drama and tension on every page.  This book is a sequel to another book – The Capital Girls – which I had not read and probably should have before reading this one.  There is also a follow up coming up in April 2013 called Truth or Dare.

I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Jealousy, rivalry, and dark secrets threaten to tear the girls apart in this sizzling follow-up to Capital Girls

It’s the start of senior year, and Excelsior Prep is on Code 3 lockdown. Secret Service agents swarm the halls searching for the First Son’s girlfriend, Jackie Whitman. Outside a SWAT team hunts for the man who’s been threatening the First Family for weeks. Only this time he’s singled out Jackie, leaving a menacing message on the school’s voicemail. Jackie’s safe for now, but for the Capital Girls—three privileged kids who live in a political fishbowl in the nation’s capital—every day is filled with tension and thrills. Though, even for them, a raid on the school by AK-47-toting marksmen is a standout.

And a stalker isn’t Jackie’s only problem.  Still shattered by the shocking news that Andrew cheated on her with Taylor the night Taylor died, Jackie’s whole world has fallen apart.  Not only did the love of her life betray her, so did her best friend and idol.  What made Taylor do it? Who was she really?  On top of it all, Whiteny Remick is plotting to take Taylor’s place, and Jackie will do anything to stop her.

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