Wednesday night was time for the Idol Top 13 to perform! Ryan announced that is is guys vs girls this week and the guys will sing Stevie Wonder and the girls will sing Whitney Houston. Then America votes count towards the bottom girl and bottom guy and the judges will choose who goes home. I’m not sure how I like this idea and I also don’t like the artists they chose – both are VERY, VERY hard to live up to and artists in years past they say to avoid. Why force it?
Joshua – After I got done bitching about how no one should try Stevie – Joshua actually did a great job. It was definitely a great way to kick off the 400th show and really set the bar for the rest of the gang.
Elise – I am glad that Jimmy had her change her song because I think that her original song was going to be a bit too much for her, but I am not sure that she really knocked it out of the park with the song change.
Jermaine – His voice is so deep that I think that is what turned me off to this performance, but it wasn’t completely terrible. I think he’d do well in a boyband though. (I would)
Erika – I think she did really good! But she is also probably my favorite girl so maybe I am a bit biased 😉
Colton – I missed most of his performance because I was doing laundry – but did he sing ‘Goodbye’? hmmm…
Shannon – This was a big song choice for her, but I think she did a good job with it. But she seemed to shuffle the mic back and forth a lot which kind of bothered me. Although I’m not sure what the judges heard because I didn’t hear as much problems with it as they did, I guess I’ll have to watch it back when the dryer isn’t running.
DeAndre – I figured he would do well with Stevie and he did! But he is the male Naima and Joshua is the male Fantasia? All the guys are girls from past seasons? lol
Skylar – Another one I didn’t think would really have a problem with Whitney. Skylar has a big voice.
Heejun – I knew that his song had been done before – but what not to sing has it as being done FOUR times before. Wow. I’m actually disappointed that he did a good job because I need his butt to go home.
Hollie – I figured after tackling Christina, she wouldn’t have a problem going after Whitney. And she didn’t. Another good performance.
Jeremy – I am still not sold on him. This performance did nothing to change my mind at all.
Jessica – I didn’t think she would have much trouble with Whitney since she has such a big voice. I didn’t think she’d try tackling arguably Whitney’s biggest hit. But she did – and she definitely did it justice!
Phillip – Phillip is way too Dave Matthews-esque for my liking. There goes my favorite boy…
My picks for who will be the bottom 2:
Bottom Girl: Elise
Bottom Boy: Jeremy
I think Jeremy will go home.
Looks like I was right on with my predictions! And I’m ok with this too.