March 31, 2012

Contest Entries are verified!

Just a reminder – I do verify winning contest entries.  If you enter and say that you follow me on twitter – if you win and are no longer following me on twitter or never were following me at all, when it comes time to verify – your entry gets thrown out.

I had to throw out 2 winners today with the $5 Amazon Giveaway because the information submitted could not be verified 🙁

Congrats to our Slap Gear and $5 Amazon Winners who did follow the instructions 🙂 And look for some more giveaways coming soon!

Book Review: The 7-minute back pain solution

I wake up at least once a week (and in bad weeks, much more than that) with back pain.  The 7-Minute Back Pain Solution just might be my solution to this problem.  Of course, I will have to consult with my doctor first before I try anything (and you probably should too) but most of the solutions in this book seem easy enough so I think my doctor will ok most, if not all, of them.

What the 7-minute back pain solution basically is, is a series of stretches that you can do depending on your back pain and what you are doing.  Going to shovel snow? Sitting in a meeting at work? Pregnant? Almost any situation you can think of is mentioned in this book as well as some people who had issues that have gotten better simply by doing stretches every morning when they wake up and before bed to loosen up their body a bit so that it doesn’t get stiff.

I really hate to take meds when my back hurts, or use a heating pad (I feel fine when it is hot, but once the heat goes off, the pain comes back) and The 7 Minute Back Pain Solution offers something that is said to help without using any meds or heating pads, simply just taking a few minutes out of my day to stretch!

I received a free review e-copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book


Are you one of the millions of lower-back-pain sufferers who is desperate for relief? Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by pain so excruciating you were afraid to move? Have you spent countless hours seeing medical professionals?

Now, with 7 easy stretches done in just minutes a day, you can finally relieve your back pain and prevent it from
happening again. The exercises and tips in this book will teach you how to fight back pain anywhere, anytime, using the equipment you already have—your own muscles. Orthopaedic spine surgeon Dr. Gerard Girasole and personal trainer Cara Hartman have teamed up to develop a proven program that will help you:

• Heal by doing the 7 stretches, which will take you no more than 7 minutes.
• Strengthen your core, which gives your spine the protection it needs.
• Protect your improved core strength to make future injuries much less likely.

The detailed photographs and helpful lists in this book will guarantee you see results, while the guide to daily activities will show you how to prevent injuries, whether you’re exercising, doing the laundry or commuting to work. Say goodbye to back pain, starting today.


About the authors

Gerard J. Girasole, m.d., is a board-certified orthopaedic spine surgeon who completed his spinal fellowship at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York City. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the North American Spine Society and is on the Editorial Board of SpineUniverse, one of the most popular online resources for back pain information. Dr. Girasole practices at The Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center in Trumbull, Connecticut.

Cara Hartman, cpt, is a back-pain survivor, having lived through years of suffering until she transformed her life by becoming a certified personal trainer and a core conditioning and sports injury specialist. She developed the exercises in the book and has fine-tuned them with Dr. Girasole’s expert advice. She lives in Fairfield, Connecticut.

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