March 2, 2012

Idol – Top 13 Boys and Top 12 Girls

Tuesday night we saw the 13 guys perform.  Sneakily enough, they added the person coming back at the end of the show in order to get me invested in the other contestants just in case Johnny wasn’t the one coming back. Slick Idol, slick.

Wednesday night it was time for the Top 12 girls. Overall I think they did better than the guys.  Ryan said it would be the first time a girl has won in 5 seasons if one wins this year. Pretty crazy.

Thursday America’s top 5 guys and to 5 girls will be chosen with each judge getting a wild card to give us the top 13. That seems really soon to be down to the top 13!

My thoughts on all the performances under the cut!

I was not home Thursday night in order to see who made it to the Top 13, so expect a post on that over the weekend!

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