June 25, 2011

Honor Society at Showcase Live

Last night Honor Society played at Showcase Live in Foxboro, MA.  If you were one of the first 50 ticket buyers you got to go to a preshow M&G with all 3 of the acts from the tour – Katelyn Tarver, Action Item and Honor Society.

Alex was really the only one that talked to me (aside from a hello nice to see you from the others) – but he was talking to me about a show I wasn’t even at! (CT last year – I skipped it because of Hanson’s 5 of 5 the same night) I think he decided I was there since Lauren and Christine were.. haha. In his defense, very rarely are Lauren and I not together at a show!

I Love Monsters was the first opening act of the night, followed by Katelyn Tarver and then Action Item.  Then it was time for the main event – Honor Society!  They have not toured in over a year so it had been a LONG while since we saw them (with the exception of Mike and Jason who performed in November – but even that was a LONG time ago!)
While the set was short – only about an hour – it was jam packed with great music and was a ton of fun.  By preordering the new Honor Society EP we got a chance to get a photo with them at the end of the nigh.  It was very quick and we didn’t get to talk with the guys as much as we would have liked – but it is always nice that they remember us and ask when they will be seeing us again (tomorrow for me!)

I think one of the highlights of the night for me was hearing the Nobody Has To Know (my favorite HS Song) / Jay Z 99 problems mashup.  Just when I thought that song could not get any better!

After the show, we drove about an hour out from the venue (It was a little over 2 hours away from here) and stopped for gas and at this point Christine realized that she did not have her cell phone.  I called it twice and when we heard nothing ringing we figured it must have fallen out of her pocket when we went to the restroom after the show.  We sat at the gas station for about 20 minutes figuring out what to do.  We figured if the movie theater definitely had the phone – we should probably go back and get it, even though it meant an extra 2 hours on to our trip.

Lauren called the movie theater where we went to the restroom and they said that no one had turned in a phone and it was not anywhere on the floor in the bathroom.  Christine was becoming more and more panicked so Lauren told her to get in the passenger seat and she would drive back to Christine’s (they had been planning to switch driving anyhow) while Christine tried to figure out what she needed to do with the phone company to get the phone turned off.  When Lauren went to get in to the drivers seat – what was sitting there? Christine’s phone.  We didn’t hear it ringing because she had her volume turned down a bit AND she was sitting on it.

Just another ridiculous story to add to the Honor Society files…

Setlist under the cut!

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