1. A LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION “A little less conversation, a little more action please All this aggravation ain’t satisfactioning me A little more bite and a little less bark A little less fight and a little more spark Shut your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me (satisfy me) Satisfy me baby”
What is your favorite topic for long conversations?
I’m not really one for long conversations… but get me talking about concerts or my favorite bands and I am pretty sure I can go on and on
2. TEDDY BEAR “Baby let me be, your lovin’ Teddy Bear Put a chain around my neck, and lead me anywhere Oh let me be Your teddy bear.”
What was your favorite stuffed animal or comfort object as a child?
I had a stuffed Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street and I would hold one in each hand when I went to bed. They are still in my nightstand.
3. SUSPICIOUS MINDS “We can’t go on together With suspicious mindsAnd we can’t build our dreams On suspicious minds…”
What are you suspicious of?
Since I started watching Criminal Minds – everything and everyone lol
4. THE WONDER OF YOU “When no one else can understand me When everything I do is wrong You give me hope and consolation You give me strength to carry on”…
What is the best feature of your present or last S/O?
Smile. I guess.
5. ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT “Do the chairs in your parlor Seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstop and picture me there? Is your heart filled with pain? Shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?”
What is your favorite feel good movie when you are depressed?
I’m not big on movies. I’d rather listen to music.
6. JAILHOUSE ROCK “Let’s Rock Everybody let’s rock Everybody in the whole cell block Was dancing to the jailhouse rock”…
What would be the worst part about being in prison?
7. CLAMBAKE “Hey listen world you’ve gotta know I’m cutting loose and letting go Who needs the worry and the strife Life can be a ball now just following my life Clambake…gonna have a clambake”… What is your favorite food cooked out of doors (on a fire/ grill/ pit)? 8. IN THE GHETTO”As the snow flies on a cold and gray Chicago morn A poor little baby child is born in the ghetto And his mama cries cause if there’s one thing that she don’t need Is another hungry mouth to feed in the ghetto”…
Where was the worst place you ever lived?
I’ve only lived one place my entire life soo….
“Love me tender
Love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so”…
What is your favorite type of filling in a box of mixed chocolates?
“Well it’s one for the money
Two for the show, three to get ready now go cat go,
But don’t you step on my blue suede shoes
Well you can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes”…
Describe your favorite pair of shoes of all time.
I’m not big on shoes. Though I do like my red chucks
“You ain’t nothion but a hound dog
Cryin all the time
You ain’t nothing but a hound dog
Cryin all the time
You ain’t never caught a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine”…
What is your favorite dog breed, or what kind of dog do you own?
Never had a dog, not really a dog fan… but if I had to get a dog I kind of would like a jack russell terrier. But this changes often.
“A wella bless my soul
What’s wrong with me?
I’m itchin like a cat on a fuzzy tree
My friends say I’m actin wild as a bug
I’m in love I’m all shook up
Oh oh oh…mm, mmm, oh yeah yeah!”
What shook you up recently?
The giant hairy spider that was living in the bathroom window…
“A-Well a hard headed woman
A soft hearted man
Been the cause of trouble
Ever since the world began oh Yeah!”
What are you most stubborn about?