January 22, 2011

How I use social media.

Are you constantly checking your Twitter feed? Updating your Facebook status? Writing another blog post? Do you use it to market or meet other people?

I am almost always connected to twitter. I have 5 accounts (yes, 5) and I have my main private account hooked up to echofon so I can see all my friends updates through Firefox when I am working on other things. I’m thinking of starting a business on social media and have already spoken to social media experts on The Marketing Heaven on how to do that. I have 4 apps on my phone for 4 of my 5 accounts so I can keep track of everything when I am on the go. I can even tweet from my TV through my DVD player if I want!

I am sure you want to know what all my accounts are – I have my private account, a public account for replying to celebs, entering contests, etc. I also have a 2nd public account for when I need to spam and re-tweet things a billion times for contests (though I don’t really use this one all that often).  Then both of my fan sites have an account @hansonstage for hansonstage.com and @HSLive for honorsocietylive.com, those I almost exclusively use from the web, but occasionally I will “live tweet” on them from a show or I’ll get bored and check out the feeds on my phone.

I do have a facebook but I do not update my status nearly as much as anyone else (or as much as I update my twitter)  I guess I feel like most people I am friends with on both twitter and facebook so why bother having them read the same things twice? (HUGE petpeeve is people who have their twitter HOOKED UP to their facebook so I see the same exact updates verbatim on both sites. I at least try to switch up my words if I am posting about the same thing on both sites!)  Mainly I use facebook for keeping up with friends and uploading photos – but I think I should start using my gallery on my domain for that instead of facebook – at least then I know I actually *own* everything and know that a photo of mine won’t show up in an ad or something without my permission.

Idol Thoughts!

Well, 2 episodes of Idol have now passed.  We saw NY/NJ auditions on night one and New Orleans, LA on Night 2.  So far, I am enjoying the new judges.  They all seem to have a good chemistry together (except for when Randy gets pissy that he is still the least popular member of the judges panel) and have fun joking around with each other.

My only complaint is that they are all a bit too nice.  Hopefully once we get into the Hollywood rounds they will buckle down a bit – or we’ll be voting on a Top 30 because they couldn’t cut it down enough to a 24 or 12!

Ratings are down a bit – but I think that last season ratings in the beginning were exceptionally high because it was Simon’s last season (Too bad the talent was mediocre at best)  It looks like they have been letting some good singers through, we’ll have to see how they all do under the pressures of Hollywood Week!

And, as always, I spotted someone I “knew” during the auditions.  This year it was Phil Bensen, who I saw open for Push Play a couple years back.  They didn’t show his audition or if he made it through so I guess I will have to keep an eye out for him in Hollywood Week.  (In the past I spotted Bryce from Stealing Jane who I saw open for Hanson twice, Will Huser (sp?) who opened for Aaron Carter, a couple of Hanson fans that I recognized from seeing them at shows, a kid that went to my high school…)

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