February 2011

Comments are now numbered!

I honestly have no idea how I did this, but my Disqus comments now have numbers! I was playing around a bit with the settings for this blog and my postcard blog earlier today and I guess one of the buttons I pushed was the right one because now all the comments are numbered!

They aren’t very fancy numbers, but that is ok!  At least now I won’t be second guessing my counting skills picking winners on future contests šŸ™‚

(I’d link to my postcard blog, but in addition to playing with the comments I am also trying to get it moved to WordPress on my domain as a bit of a trial for possibly moving this blog so it will be down for a bit while I get it all figured out! I will link it when it is up and running again!)

The Lion King on Broadway

Wednesday I went to New York City to (finally) see The Lion King on Broadway!  I had been begging to go for years and years and my Mom had ended up saying “once you get your braces on I will take you.”  I’ve had my braces on for 15 months now and I finally got her to come through on her promise.
At first we had tickets for January 26th, but there was a snow storm so we couldn’t make it to the show.  Fortunately, Disney has a “Worry Free Winter” guarantee in place so if you can not make it to the show due to the weather, you can exchange your tickets for another show.  Unfortunately you trade in for the “best available” seats so we ended up giving up Row C tickets and exchanging them for row Q, but the show is set up in such a way that I really don’t think there is a bad seat in the house.
The opening scene was absolutely amazing – with cast up on the balcony and coming through the aisles to get to the stage.  The costuming was also really impressive. The sets were pretty basic but if they were any more in depth you would probably lose the impact of the costumes.
There are a few songs from the movie and then a bunch of new songs added for the musical.  All of which are great.  The hyenas and Rafiki are hilarious.  Young Nala and Simba were adorable.  The acting and delivery were great, the singing was phenomenal and the only question I was left with was – why did it take us so long to finally get there!?
The picture I chose for this post with the sun is because I want to try and create something similar for when I scrapbook the ticket.    Not sure when I will get around to scrapping it, but be sure to keep an eye out for it when I make my scrapbook post for February!

Idol Thoughts

I have been debating blogging about Idol seasons for a couple of seasons now.  Season 8 I had this blog but wasn’t blogging very often, Season 9 there was no one that really kept me all that interested enough to actually blog about.  Season 10 – I still don’t have anyone that I feel “omg they HAVE to win!” about but I do have a lot of thoughts so we’ll see if this ends up being a regular feature or just me posting when I need to vent haha

Last night we got to see the Top 24.  They made it even, 12 boys 12 girls – but based on the girls who went through I have to say that for the most part they are weak.  As far as the boys – well, I would have switched out a few of the jerks for a couple of the guys that I didn’t think should go home (Carson, Jacee, to name a couple)

I like Brett, Casey, Paul, Stephano, Robbie and Tim. I hope it is those 6 who make it into the top 12. I can not stand James Durbin (Lambert 2.0), Scotty McCreery appears to be a one trick pony, Jordan and Clint come across as bullies from group week (I don’t care how well you can sing – I can’t really support you if I don’t think you are at least a little bit nice!) and Jacob and Jovany I can really go either way with.

As far as the girls – the only ones I really remember is Thia and Lauren A.  I am hoping some of them really wow me on Wednesday!  Most of the girls they showed I did not remember and a lot of the performance clips they showed I was not all that impressed with.  I really hope they step it up now that we are voting for them.

I also hope that Lauren A – “the chosen one” can live up to her hype.  Last season there was a lot of hype over Andrew Garcia and Katie Stevens – but once they made it to the voting rounds they didn’t seem to be quite as great as they were in the clips from Hollywood.  I am hoping that the same thing doesn’t happen again (for any of the contestants!)

I am glad that they sent home Chris Medina. Based on his singing alone (this IS a singing competition) he was not meant to be there.  Obviously he is a super awesome and wonderful guy, based on his sob story – but the competition just was not for him and I would not have been happy if they let him through because of his story alone.

It has also been announced that you can now vote online – provided you have a valid facebook account – up to 50 times after the performances.  I am not sure how I like this idea.  On the plus side, it will probably be easier to vote online than on the phone… but I feel like it is just a ploy to cushion the vote numbers.  AT&T; users will also be allowed unlimited text votes, as usual. (I have AT&T; but only a 200 text plan so I don’t think that I will be texting any votes this season!)

Rock N Roll Fridays ā€“ Aerosmith

1. Dream On ā€œEvery time that I look in the mirror, All these lines in my face getting clearer. The past is gone. It went by like dusk to dawn. Isnā€™t that the way. Everybodyā€™s got their dues in life to payā€ Do you pay dues or something such as a membership in a union, church, civic group, gang, etc?
I have a membership to The Elongated Collectors. That is about it lol

2. Angel ā€œWithout your love, Iā€™m nothing but a beggar. Without your love, a dog without a boneā€¦ā€ What is your favorite dog breed?I am not a big dog person, I like Yorkies.

3. Sweet Emotion ā€œYou stand in the front just a shakin your ass. Iā€™ll take you backstage you can drink from my glassā€¦ā€ Have you ever been backstage at a concert to meet the band? If not, what band would you like to meet backstage?
Yes I have – for Hanson a couple of times, Danny Gokey last week was backstage though I think technically we were under the stage.. and probably a few others as well I can’t think of off hand.  Meet and Greets aren’t always “backstage” sometimes they are just in a random room at the venue so I am not sure what “counts” for this question.

4. Walk This Way ā€œSo I took a big chance at the high school dance with a missy who was ready to playā€¦ā€ What was the first song you ever danced to at a school dance?
Oh I don’t know! I know Celine Dion’s “Because You Loved Me” and Michael Jackson’s “You Are Not Alone” were pretty popular in middle school when I went to dances. So perhaps it was one of those.. although usually it started with fast songs and only a couple slow songs were in the mix.

5. Crazy ā€œYouā€™re packin up your stuff and talkin like itā€™s tough. And tryin to tell me that itā€™s time to go, yeah. But I know you ainā€™t wearin nothing underneath that overcoat. And itā€™s all a show, yeah.ā€ Ever worn your PJs in public?
Of course!

6. Cryin ā€œI was cryin when I met you. Now Iā€™m tryin to forget you. Your love is sweet misery.ā€ What is the worst film you went to see in the past 5 years?I don’t see many films in the theaters, so usually I do not see anything horrible, I usually pick and choose and I know it will be something I like that I am going to see.  However, things I stream on Netflix or rent from Netflix would be a completely different story.  Unfortunately, my memory SUCKS (especially for things I don’t like, I try to push them out of memory) so I can’t recall any off hand – plus for the past several months I have pretty much exclusively been streaming TV shows.

7. Draw The Line ā€œCheckmate honey beat you at your own damn game. No dice honey Iā€™m livin on the astral plane. Feetā€™s on the ground and your headā€™s goin down the drain. Oh heads I win tails you loseā€¦.ā€ What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly.  I actually had an online version back in the early 00s and I made “boyband monopoly” out of the custom settings and it was pretty freaking awesome. Instead of places you’d buy boyband members and the prices were based on how much I liked them so my least fave members were the cheaper spots.  The best part was I could play by myself against the computer so I wouldn’t have to beg anyone to play with me!

8. Big Ten Inch Record ā€œMy girl donā€™t go for smoking, and liquor just makes her flinch. Seems sheā€™ll go for nuthin, ā€˜cept for my big ten inchā€¦ Record of a band that plays the bluesā€¦ā€ What was your favorite record (or CD) when you were 18 years old?
When I was 18 hmm.. I was a freshman in college so I would say it was probably whatever Christina Aguilera released that year – stripped?  I think we were in a bit of a Hanson drought and NSYNC was pretty much done.. Justin had just started going solo (blech)

9. Janieā€™s Got A Gun ā€œItā€™s Janies last IOU She had to take him down easy and put a bullet in his brainā€¦ā€ What was the last IOU written for that you either gave or received?
My mom and I always are owing each other money for something or another.

10. Jaded ā€œMy my baby blue. Yeah Iā€™ve been thinkin bout you. My my baby blue, yeah youā€™re so jaded. And Iā€™m the one that jaded youā€ Are you jaded on a subject or issue?
Yeah, probably.

11. I Donā€™t Want to Miss A Thing ā€œI donā€™t wanna close my eyes. I donā€™t wanna fall asleep cause Iā€™d miss you baby And I donā€™t wanna miss a thingā€¦.ā€ What was the last event that you missed that you regret?
Not going to see Miranda Cosgrove and Greyson Chance when they were in town at the beginning of the month.  I think that was the most recent thing.

12. Rag Doll ā€œYes Iā€™m movin, Iā€™m really movin. Sloe Gin fizzy, do it til youā€™re dizzy. Give it all you got until your put out of your miseryā€ What is the most miserable thing that happened to you recently?
Freezing my butt off two days in a row HAS to be it lol that was miserable and I am still not truly warm! šŸ˜‰

Book Review: Pujols More Than The Game by Scott Lamb&Tim Ellsworth

Albert Pujols is an All-Star.  Those of you who follow baseball, you know this.  But what you might not know is that not only is Albert an All-Star on the field, but he is also an All-Star off the field.

In Pujols – More Than The Game Scott Lamb & Tim Ellsworth break down all that Pujols has endured in his life. The son of a father who often abused alcohol, Pujols very early in life decided that alcohol was not for him.  He did not want his children to have to drag their father to bed as he had to growing up.  In addition, Pujols does not smoke, have tattoos or piercings and he even skips out on eating sweets and cookies because they are not healthy for him.

Pujols credits his success to God, and it is his Faith which helps ground him as an athlete and a player. Pujols is quoted in the book as saying:

“God has given me the ability to succeed in the game of baseball. But baseball is not the end; baseball is the means by which my wife, Dee Dee, and I glorify God. Baseball is simply my platform to elevate Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.”

With the salary he makes playing professional baseball he has created his own foundation to give back to the community around St. Louis where he plays for the Cardinals as well as in his home country of the Dominican Republic.

Reading this book has given me a new found respect for Pujols.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneezeĀ®.com <http://BookSneezeĀ®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissionā€™s 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : ā€œGuides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.ā€

Want to be a guest blogger?

Would you be interested in Guest Blogging for Concert Katie? I am thinking I will make this a monthly special, or maybe even every other week (depending on how popular it becomes), where I will get the “day off” and someone else will share their concert memories and get their blog promoted!

The range of topics can be anything related to music/entertainment/celebrities.  Your first concert, favorite concert, dream concert lineup (maybe even a festival to fit all your favorites in on one day!), favorite CD, silliest or dumbest thing you have done to get close to a celebrity, how you met your favorite celebrity, etc!

If you think that this would be something fun – feel free to “pitch” a blog topic to me at blog@concertkatie.com. We can work out the details and figure out a schedule that works for you to write the content via email. All I ask in return is that the day your post is featured on my blog that you link from your blog to the post so your readers will know to come check it out!

Blog Milestones! Blogelina Blog Class!

I have been hitting all sorts of milestones lately with the blog and I just want to thank everyone for coming and checking it out!  Recently my hit counter read 20,000 which was just awesome.  I had 25+ people “Like” me on Facebook, so I now have a “vanity URL” – http://www.facebook.com/concertkatie and I am very close to hitting 50 followers on twitter, @Concert_Katie!

Tonight is my 4th week of the blogelina blogging class, which is technically the last, but the classes run on a loop so I can stay and “retake” classes if I would like.  I was surprised that I learned so much and have made so much progress in just 4 weeks.  The best part about the class is all the fellow bloggers you will meet – some are more advanced and can give advice on topics you are struggling with and everyone is really helpful and nice.

The class is only $5 – which is a steal! Here is what you get when you sign up for the class:

  • The Class Manual ā€“ packed with 60 pages of information that will help take the overwhelming out of starting your own blog
  • 4 weekly online class sessions where you can ask your questions and get personalized feedback
  • A FREE Year of Web hosting! Iā€™m also pleased to announce that Blogelina is partnering with GoDaddy.com to provide each person who registers for Blogelinaā€™s Online Class complimentary year of web hosting ($84 value)!  Thatā€™s right ā€“ no strings attached, no hidden requirementsā€¦  Just register for the class through the button below and start building your profitable blog today ā€“ on us!  
  • Save yourself a lot of time, trouble, and money ā€“ learn from my own experiences what to do and not to do!

If you are interested in finding out more or signing up for the class – head over to http://www.blogelina.com right now for more details!

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