Would you be interested in Guest Blogging for Concert Katie? I am thinking I will make this a monthly special, or maybe even every other week (depending on how popular it becomes), where I will get the “day off” and someone else will share their concert memories and get their blog promoted!
The range of topics can be anything related to music/entertainment/celebrities. Your first concert, favorite concert, dream concert lineup (maybe even a festival to fit all your favorites in on one day!), favorite CD, silliest or dumbest thing you have done to get close to a celebrity, how you met your favorite celebrity, etc!
If you think that this would be something fun – feel free to “pitch” a blog topic to me at blog@concertkatie.com. We can work out the details and figure out a schedule that works for you to write the content via email. All I ask in return is that the day your post is featured on my blog that you link from your blog to the post so your readers will know to come check it out!