January 9, 2011

The Daily Post

How do you stay entertained when you are snowed in?

I should be good at answering this since I’ve been snowed in twice already this winter. (Although our latest snow storm was not as bad as the one we got just after Christmas)  Provided we don’t lose power, I don’t do too much different than normal.  TV, computer, etc.  And maybe cleaning. (Though usually not unless there is absolutely nothing on TV and I’ve reached the end of the internet)

Friday we got hit with some more snow.  It wasn’t windy, like during our first storm, so the trees looked absolutely gorgeous with the snow on them.  I decided I was going to venture outside to snap some photos and to check out the “snow” setting on my camera.  The door to the backyard was frozen shut (probably not a good idea to keep it that way) so I had to go out the front door and then around.

I walked about halfway through our backyard and took some pics – but the shed was in the way and then there was a plastic bag tied to one of the trees that wasn’t making things look very nice lol so I went a little closer.  Then I turned to my left.. and there was a DEER! It was just standing there in my neighbors yard. I kind of panicked, not sure what it was going to do, but managed to snap a photo.  Then it ran off into the woods and I tried to get a couple more pics of it, but nothing too amazing.  This is the shot right after I noticed it:

2010 Concert Survey

 I started this in October. Why? I don’t know.  It’s been sitting in my drafts for a while. I just revised it (because November was pretty awesome) and I think it is good to go now 😉

Top 6 shows​ of the year?​​​
Carrie Underwood
John Mayer Lounge 101
Hanson Stroudsburg PA
Hanson (5 of 5)
Hanson 92.9 (#50!)

Total​ numbe​r of shows​ in 2010?

First​ show of the year?​​​
Nick Jonas and the Administration

First​ show with actua​l ticke​ts:​​​
Nick Jonas and the Administration

Last show of the year?​​​
TIC Christmas show

Most surpri​sing show?​​​
Keith Urban

Most disap​point​ing?​​​
Hanson TIC Acoustic Cafe

Farth​est trave​led?​​​
Hanson in Tulsa, OK on Halloween

State​s atten​ded shows​ in?

Venue​ most visit​ed?​​​
Probably Comcast Theater since I had the season lawn pass!

Worst​ injur​y?​​​
The cold I got after Hanson in PA/MD that ended up with me losing my voice for a few days. I had never lost my voice after a concert before!

Most expen​sive ticke​t?​​​
John Mayer in February – $120

Band seen the most?​​​
Hanson – 16

Best new disco​very?​​​
Keith Urban and Burnham

Bands​ seen this year that also broke​ up this year?​​​
None that I know of

Frien​ds made at shows​?​​​
I met Michelle at the CT Hanson show – we are now facebook friends.  There are probably others I am forgetting (sorry!)

Band membe​rs met?
Honor Society, Lifehouse (2 of 4), Jordin Sparks, Adam Lambert, John Mayer, Jonas Brothers, Hanson, Joey Fatone, Jason Castro

Best souvenir​ from a show?​​​
Kris Allen’s setlist from the Keith Urban show that my mom stole lol I also got Kicking Daisies Setlist in PA

Longe​st time in line?​​​
I am thinking one of the Hanson 5 of 5 shows was the longest. Most shows I did not wait more than an hour or two.

Shows​ seen from the barri​cade [​​​front​ row]​​​-​​​-​​​
Hanson, Cohasset, MA
Hanson Tulsa OK
Hanson Northampton, MA
Hanson Stroudsburg, pa
Hanson Wallingford CT (though on the side of the stage)
(and I have to say WOW to that lol)

Most shows​ in one month​?​​​
August – 9
July – 8
April – 7

Most shows​ in one week?​​​
5 of 5 paired with Jordin and Honor Society made it 7 shows in 7 days. (8 shows in 9 days if you count the weekend before)

Bigge​st crowd​?​​​
Probably Justin Bieber

Any drunk​ encou​nters​?​​​
None that I can recall, which is a good thing

Top 5 best 2010 conce​rt momen​ts:​​​
1. Carrie Underwood flying around the arena in a car
2. VIP for Honor Society in NYC
3. Hanson front row dead center seated show in PA.
4. My first front row seated (non festival) show! (and second and third and fourth!!!)
5. Maroon 5 from the 8th row

Top 5 worst​ 2010 conce​rt momen​ts:​​​
1. Lifehouse only singing 2 songs at the acoustic set
2. Too many casino shows = not a chance to meet artists
3. Jerk radio guy & family (I think 3 shows were “ruined” by this dude. seriously lol)
4. Getting SOAKED from pouring rain at Tim McGraw
5. The lawn at the Tom Petty concert – big fight and a kid hurt 🙁

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