Foursquare&Miso&Get Glue
Lately I have become obsessed with websites where you have to check in to get badges or stickers. Why, I don’t know, but I feel like I need to figure out how to unlock EVERYTHING. There are 3 main sites that I use. If you know of any other similar sites – be sure to leave a comment… as if I need another website to become addicted to!
FOURSQUARE – is a site where you check in when you visit places. There are badges based on what kind of places you check in, what day you check in on, what you “shout”, etc. As of writing this post I have managed to get myself 54 badges, some of which are now retired. A lot of the badges seem to be location based (ie New York City specfic) which tends to turn people off to using the site. However, in recent months it seems that foursquare has become aware of this and have added some badges that can be unlocked anywhere that has bowling alleys, or book stores for example. One of the big issues I have with this site (or I guess more accurately, their phone app) is that I am sometimes told I am too far from a location when I am standing outside it, or even right inside it. Kind of crazy. While other times I can check in to locations from my bedroom and it counts. The GPS is weird.
The other 2 sites are similar to foursquare, but involve checking in to movie and TV shows that you are watching instead of locations.
MISO – was the first site I had signed up for. You get badges based on how many movies or TV shows you check in to, what kind of genres you check in to and other special TV based (or event based) badges based on what you check in to. I kind of gave up on this site once I found out about the 3rd site – but I do check in from time to time if they tweet to remind people to check in to certain shows (that usually means there is a badge involved). They also hold contests from time to time – and I won two of them. I won a signed Bad Girls Club poster for checking in and sending my check in to twitter during one of their episodes. I also placed 2nd in their costume contest and won a Miso tshirt. (Both of which arrived in reasonable time) As of the writing of this post I have 42 badges. The downside to this site is they sometimes rate limit you and you can only check in as fast as you watch. They don’t have a bb app as far as I know – so if I try and catch up to whatever I watched that day or the day before I usually get limited which stinks because a lot of times I forget to come back later and finish logging what I watched.
GET GLUE –, this is my most recent obsession. For checking in to shows you get stickers. Most are sponsored by networks. You also become a “FAN” of something after checking in 5 times and a “SUPER FAN” after checking in 15. There are generic stickers for both of these milestones and certain shows also have show specific stickers (Glee and Fringe for example). The great thing about Get Glue is that after you earn 20 stickers (I think, they keep changing the number on me!) You can request to be sent REAL copies of the stickers in the mail. I have now requested stickers 3 times and have yet to receive anything! They claim requests take 6-8 weeks and they can only send up to 20 because that is how many fit in an envelope with a single stamp.
My first request was at the end of October – I am not sure how many stickers I had at the time (maybe 40?) a couple of days after I had joined the site. This was when you only needed to have 7 stickers to request real copies.
My second request was the beginning of December. I had hundreds of stickers (I now have over 400) and the nice thing about this request is that they asked what I was excited to received. I had hoped this would mean that I would end up getting the stickers I was excited about (subject to availability), but nothing has arrived so I don’t know if my theory is correct.
My third request was the beginning of January – and the box to mention what stickers you were excited about was gone.
I follow a couple of sites to help me figure out what shows I should be checking in on, and when – and Between the two I almost always know what stickers are coming up and when to check in. (Some stickers are only available for a limited time – like the hour the show is airing or just the night the show aired) Both also include posts from users who have received stickers. It seems like it is a crapshoot – some have gotten duplicate stickers and stickers they hadn’t even actually earned on the site.
If you are out there get glue – I want my Glee, Weeds, Dexter, Conan, Fringe & Pretty Little Liars stickers the most 😉
I guess you can tell getglue has quickly become my favorite – but if I go any longer without getting real stickers I might give up completely since that was what drew me in to signing up. I. Love. Stickers.
I’ll keep you all updated on when my stickers come, if they ever do! And of course which ones I receive.
EDIT: I wrote this post shortly after my 3rd request, but saved it until later to publish it. Since writing it – I did receive a package of stickers on January 8th, which were mailed January 6th. Based on my theory of my 2nd request, I believe that these are from that request (it includes Glee, Weeds, Dexter and Pretty Little Liars stickers – all of which I mentioned I’d be excited to get) but it could be a coincidence and be my 3rd request, which I requested January 3rd. I will be making a post soon with scans of the stickers I got 🙂