Scrapbook Crafter is an app for Macs from Pearl Mountain Technology. I have reviewed several of their apps in the past and have been quite impressed and I feel the same way about Scrapbook Crafter. The app is easy to use for all level of scrapbookers. If you’ve never done any pages before, you’ll have no problem using this program from the moment you open it. It is “WYSIWYG” (what you see is what you get) and you can preview everything you’re doing in real time so have fun moving the elements all around the page until you find the perfect place for them!
You can pick out templates depending on what you are trying to scrapbook. I was scrapping pages from my trip to Tulsa, so I chose travel. There are 60+ professional kits included with 240+ pages to help you make albums quickly. They are designed for various holidays and occasions – Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Travel, Baby, etc.
There was a set of 4 premade travel pages which I used as templates but I removed the elements that didn’t work on my pages (like the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty) I was able to go through a bunch of other embellishments and add in more things that worked like guitars and generic luggage. I also went through and added different frames to the photo as well as made the photos into different shapes – all of which are features of this app. Overall, it took me almost no time to put *4* pages together. This may make me consider more strongly switching from traditional scrapbooking to digital – or at the very least using it a bit more if not switching over completely! To do these 4 pages out by hand traditionally would probably have taken me 2 weekends and wouldn’t have come out anywhere near as nice looking!
When you are done, you can export your pages to PDF, JPG, PNG, TFF, BMP or PSD. You can also print the pages directly if you would like. Or save the images and share them via email with friends or post online to share 🙂
I received a free app in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.