aloneforever Alone Forever is another awesome comic from Liz Prince. I had previously read her book Tomboy and loved that as well.  This book focuses on her dating life – or lack thereof – and while she’ll be alone forever.  I don’t know what it is about Liz that I love – maybe that I think we’re kind of similar in our tomboyish alone forever keep going back to OKCupid even though we know we shouldn’t ways… but there is just something about her comics that I can’t get enough of.  I didn’t want this book to end!

Definitely recommended if you’re looking for a funny read… although you’ll probably enjoy it more if you’re single.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About The Book

Liz Prince, author of the world’s cutest relationship comic, “Will You Still Love Me If I Wet the Bed?”, returns with a new comic about being — gasp! — SINGLE.

Finally bringing her popular webcomic to printed form, Alone Forever explores the joys of flying solo, free to focus on what really matters: comics, punk rock, and cute boys with beards.

Drawn in Liz Prince’s ultra-charming style, filled with self-deprecation and cats, there’s something for everyone to relate to in this celebration of self-reliance in the age of OkCupid.


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