April 6, 2015

Music Monday: Rachael Burgess “Falling”

Recently I was introduced to Rachael Burgess who is an independent singer/songwriter, wife and mother.  She grew up in Canada and has been singing ever since she can talk and doesn’t plan to stop any time soon! She is trying to fulfill a lifelong dream of bringing people joy and happiness through the power of music!

I had the chance to listen to her single “Falling” which you can purchase at http://bit.ly/1DU3OFr.  This is a really sweet song about falling in love with your best friend when you weren’t expecting to.  I had the chorus stuck in my head for hours after giving this song a first listen – and had to listen a few more times to get it unstuck! I also really love the piano in the song.  If you’re looking for friendship before love or maybe you did fall in love with your best friend, I think you’ll really enjoy this song!

Rachael has also been nice enough to allow me to give away 5 copies of the song to some lucky ConcertKatie readers!  Check out the Rafflecopter below for all the dates!

I received a free song in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review: Nashville Parts 3 and 4

Nash4I had previously read parts 1 + 2 of the Nashville series back in 2013 and was so angry with how things were left that when I got the opportunity to read 3 and 4 I was super happy to finally find out what happened to CeCe and Holden.  Please note that this review WILL contain spoilers as some are somewhat necessary to review the full storyline.

When Part 3 begins, Holden has left Nashville to be with his girlfriend.  CeCe and Thomas have continued singing together as a group and Holden has been writing songs for them.  One of the songs that they sing, a big time singer Hart Holcomb wants to put on his new album as the title track.  Thomas says he will talk to Holden – but will Holden want to come back to Nashville?  Cece is trying to move on and is dating Beck – whose father is a big time country star.  Holden decides to come back and the three (+Beck) are asked by Beck’s father to be a foursome and open for him on his tour because his original opening act isn’t going to be working out.  At a M&G CeCe meets a guy who seem to be a little off and freaks her out – but Holden handles the situation – then the two end up kissing and Beck walks in on it.  Things get a bit rocky with all the relationships in the band and when CeCe is ready to tell Beck that she has feelings for Holden – the M&G guy that made CeCe uneasy shows up again – this time at a different concert on the tour. He ends up opening fire on everyone who is backstage.

Book 4 begins with the aftermath of the shooting. 3 of the 4 band members are recovering and one has been killed.  They are forced by the label to do media about the event because media was in their contract for the tour – even though the tour has not continued.  They’re also forced to record an album based on the contract even though no one really feels up to that. CeCe has been avoiding Holden but they end up engaged once again once they realize that they truly are in love with each other and it was not CeCe’s fault what happened to Beck.Nash3

There are 4 more books in this series and I am looking forward to reading the rest!

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review and participate in the book tour.

About the Books

What We Feel (Nashville #3)

Hunky musicians Holden Ashford and Thomas Franklin rescue Nashville bound CeCe MacKenzie and her Walker Hound Hank Junior from the side of the road when her car catches on fire. A less determined girl might have let her dreams go up in smoke as well, but not CeCe. She’s been singing all her life, and she just wants a chance to do the thing she loves in a place where music is part of the fabric of life. As it turns out, Holden and Thomas want the same thing, and it isn’t long before they’re all chasing after the dream together.

Falling in love hasn’t figured in to CeCe’s plans, but the moment she sets eyes on Holden, her heart is asking why not? Holden is drawn to her as well, but he already has someone in his life, Sarah who still lives in Atlanta, Sarah who loves him. Who he thought he loved back until CeCe makes him realize he hadn’t really known that love could turn him inside out.

But an unexpected visit from Sarah brings to light a terrible truth and Holden is faced with a choice between doing the right thing or permanently defining himself as a guy he never thought he would be.

It is only in letting each other go that both Holden and CeCe will come to understand that in life and love, the part that’s real is what we feel.

Pleasure in the Rain (Nashville #4)
Just as Barefoot Outlook begins to hit the big time, tragedy strikes when a rage-filled Nashville musician who hasn’t found the success he’s hoped for crashes an after-concert party and begins shooting. Among the victims are band members CeCe MacKenzie, Holden Ashford, Thomas Franklin, Beck Phillips and his country music star dad, Case.

With each of them gravely injured, one will not survive, forever changing the lives of everyone involved. Will one man’s hatred and contempt demolish all of their dreams, or will they eventually reach a place where they can even take pleasure in the rain?

Music Monday: Kelly Clarkson Piece by Piece


Heartbeat Song
Take You High
Piece by Piece
Run Run Run
I Had a Dream
Let Your Tears Fall
War Paint
Dance with Me
Good Goes the Bye

Bad Reputation
In The Blue
Second Wind

Piece by Piece is the 7th studio album from American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson.  It was released at the end of February and quickly made its way to #1.  I purchased it from Kelly’s website mainly to get a presale for her tour – which is kicking off July 11 in Hershey, PA.  I’ve found that presales with album codes can be hit or miss – but since I love so much of Kelly’s stuff it was a risk I was willing to take, as even if the tickets didn’t end up being the best, I was sure that the album would be.  That was true. I love her album and cannot wait to see some of it performed live when I see her this summer.  I think that my favorite song is Invincible – simply because that seems to be the one stuck in my head the most since listening!

This is a CD I definitely recommend!

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