
What better for Valentine’s Day than a book about Historical Heartthrobs?  This book makes learning about history fun and picks 50 of the “top” heartthrobs.  There are “vital stats” on each of the heartthrobs which includes their years, country or origin, area of influence and style of seduction!  then there is a little bit about the persons life story, the story of their sex life, why he/she matters, best feature and heat factor and some quotables with quotes that others said about the person.  It gives just enough information about the person to be interesting and in such a way that it is fun.  And we all know how much I “love” history…

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Hot tip for potential Jeopardy contestants: History really comes alive when you stop to consider the likes of Eva Peron and Nikola Tesla as potential members of your dating pool. Some items for consideration: Stalin was handsome as a devil, but he lived like one too (c.f. the purges). Che had the smoldering good looks, but would he only look out for himself in a relationship (he is eerily photogenic, after all)? And what about Nelly Bly? Was it legal to look that good in 1884? Historical Heartthrobs includes both men and women from a wide range of countries, ethnicities, and historical epochs. Some are artists, some are scientists, and many are political or military leaders, but all have had a lasting impact on human life—and a sizable impact on their admirers as well. In addition to an iconic image of each personality, each entry contains essential information about when these people lived and died, where they came from, what their best features were, and why they mattered. Each entry concludes with a crushability ranking: a measurement of how crushworthy these people really were, based on their relative levels of heroism/villainy.

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