February 15, 2014

Blog Revamp coming!

After being accused of copyright infringement on Christmas (yeah, really) I’ve been in a bit of a “blogging funk”.  The fact that someone would not only accuse me of violating the terms of service of the site where I get 90% of my books to read from reviews from – but to actually email me about it on Christmas when I was celebrating with family was a real turn off.  It turns out, the only thing that I am guilty of is having a common first name and not posting my last name all over the place. Which last I checked, isn’t a crime.

I’m currently on what I am calling a “blog vacation”, I’ve deleted the blog email account off of my phone so I am not checking it constantly and feeling overwhelmed and I am trying to make a dent in the list of books I have to review (it was at 39, I think I’ve got it down to 30 now and I am trying not to accept more book reviews until I can get the list even smaller).  I check the blog email every night – if I have the free time to – and that’s it.  I’m also thinking about new features for the site.

Unfortunately, I have books and books and books scheduled until about May.  So in May, the actual transformation will start to take place, but for this month I will be taking it slow, trying to request little to no books and little to no product reviews. (And read all I can!) I have already gotten everything for February scheduled and completed (with the exception of any concert reviews!) and I will be completing all reviews I have already committed to.

Then in May, look for some new content that is more ME!

I’m still working out the details but I hope to have the following features on a semi-regular basis (if not every week)

Music Monday – Reviewing a CD, New Artist, New Single or something somehow music related.

Try It Tuesday – Where I try something new. Whether it be a scrapbook technique, cooking something from pinterest, new crafts, or try to organize my new home. It will be documented and posted. Love with Food boxes will also fall in to this category.

Whatever Wednesday – I can’t come up with anything for Wednesday yet so this will just be whatever I want to talk about. Maybe I’ll blab about how I watch too much TV, maybe a product review that otherwise didn’t get scheduled will weasel its way in. Or maybe the latest concert I went to will end up being reviewed here. Or maybe I’ll just take the day off!

Throwback Thursday – I’m not totally sure the details on this one but probably either recapping an old concert I attended or talking about a past opening act with a where are they now (if I can find them!)  But it should be a bit more music related!

Friday Book Nook – Here’s where those book reviews will be! I am trying to limit myself to only 3-4 book reviews being posted a day. Hopefully I can stick to that! I’ll have to be a bit more selective with what I choose to read.

Scrapbook Saturday – I started this in the new year and it will of course continue throughout the year – provided that I keep up with my scrapping. (I’m currently in March 2013!)

Sunday – Probably either reviews or another free for all day. Again, I just started mapping out changes so it could be anything.


What do you think? Anything you’re looking forward to? Anything you think I should add?

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