March 16, 2013

American Idol Top 10

Wednesday night we got to hear performances from the Top 10!  When the judges were announced Nicki wasn’t there – I got excited and thought maybe she left the show but Ryan said that she was stuck in traffic and would be there later. Boo.

This weeks theme is any song from Idol past winners. Not sure I really dig that theme but let’s see how it goes! (I’m always comparing repeat songs to the last time it was performed and often reference to make sure I am remembering correctly. This is just going to force me to do that no matter how hard I try not to!)

Curtis – I Believe (Fantasia) – It was going to be tough to match up with Fantasia, but he did re-work it a bit… but it still wasn’t all that great of a performance – he had done much, much better in past rounds. (Though when he said he liked Luther, I would have thought he would have gone with a Ruben song!)

Janelle – Gone (Scotty) – The trouble with this theme is that I can’t help but compare to the other Idol’s performance.  This was a big turning point for Scotty if I remember correctly and this performance just didn’t match Scotty’s at all.

And Nicki is back. Oh hooray. :/

Devin – Temporary Home (Carrie) – Probably the best performance of the night (though that’s not saying much) but I didn’t like it.  I am trying so hard not to compare to Carrie but I can’t!  It just seemed like a boring arrangement.

Angie – I Surrender (Kelly) – I didn’t watch Season 1 so I had nothing to compare with this performance.  She did great, but there is just something about her that I don’t like. But certainly one of the best performances and it will probably be one of the best of the night regardless of who goes behind her.

Paul – Amazed (Scotty) – Well, he isn’t over singing like a Broadway star anymore, so that’s good… but it just seemed like it was hurting him to sing that way.  Not a bad performance but hopefully he can find a happy medium between the two.

Candice – I Who Have Nothing (Jordin) – Totally called this one during the commercial break – Jordin did AMAZING with this song. And I think Candice did great too. Maybe not as great as Jordin but damn near close! WOW! WOW! WOW!

Lazaro – Breakaway (Kelly) – There was something off about the performance with his singing and the music – he was going too fast or something, I’m not sure. Not the worst of the night but not his best performance either.

Kree – Crying (Carrie) – Another strong performance from Kree. There’s not much else for me to say lol

Burnell – Flying Without Wings (Ruben) – He seemed to tone down on the hand movements a bit, which was good for me because they are so distracting for me!  I’m not sure I loved this song for him, but it was a decent performance.

Amber – A Moment Like This (Kelly) – I liked how she made the song her own and it was a really great performance. (Though I don’t think it is the best of the night like Nicki did)

My Bottom 3  – Janelle, Paul and Curtis with Curtis going home

Ryan tells us that they will let us know who was the Top 3 but not in which order. (Gotta compete with XFactor?)

The first in our top 3 is Candice with 42% of the vote in SC.

Kree gets the key to the city in TX where she grew up and then finds out that she is in the top 3!

We find out Charlie was the #6 guy and performs for a spot on the Idol Tour (Based on my 4/5 I thought it would have been Nick…)

And the girl is Aubrey – who was who I thought would make it last week.

The last to make the Top 3 is Angie.

4th. Lazaro
5th Amber
6th Janelle
7th Burnell
8th Paul

The bottom 2 are Devin and Curtis (So I was 2/3 on the bottom 3, kind of shocked Devin is there!)

Singing for the save is – Curtis

And they don’t save him and I am 1 for 1 for the season!

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