American Idol Top 9
This week the Top 9 Idols will take on the songs of The Beatles. But first we need to find out who is going on the tour! And it is – Aubrey! Hooray! No more Charlie! Throughout the night we found out what song was Keith’s favorite Beatle song – in fact, he seems to have at least 4 Beatles songs in his top 2!
Kree – With a Little Help From My Friends – Great performance to kick off the night.
Burnell – Let It Be – Kind of shocked that he didn’t know this song! But he got it all figured out and another great performance.
Amber – She’s Leaving Home – I feel like she was pitchy and off key at points, but it was still a pretty good performance.
Lazaro – In My Life – He seemed to start off a little too fast but found his way about midway through. But what the heck do they have him wearing? Yellow jacket and red shoes?
Candice – Come Together – I knew she was going to do this and I knew she would rock it! Awesome!
Paul – Eleanor Rigby – Very boring rendition. Oh – wait – now we get an Adam Lambert scream. No thanks.
Angie – Yesterday – A little too big at moments, but still a pretty good performance
Devin – The Long and Winding Road – Probably a perfect song for him.
Janelle – I Will – I find it funny that Paul didn’t want to make the song sound country – but Janelle didn’t seem to have a problem with it. I do though. Gross.
Picking the bottom 3 is so hard because I have to put my personal feelings aside and try to think what America is thinking. And sometimes America is nutty.
Bottom 3 – Paul, Devin, Lazaro (as much as it pains me because I l-o-v-e him)
Going home – Paul
Paul gets his own day and then ends up in the bottom 3!
Devin is also in the bottom 3…
Wow. This is making me look like a genius 😉
Oh wait, spoke too soon, Lazaro is safe (YES!)
Kree is moving on to next week
Candice is also safe!
And Angie too. (Surprise surprise with those 3!)
Also safe – Janelle!
Burnell is also safe which leaves Amber in the bottom 3! Wow.
Paul, Devin and Amber are the bottom 3. I don’t think I’d have picked Amber (Janelle would have been my next choice)
Paul will sing for the save! (Right again! Woohoo!)
And Paul does not get saved and he will be leaving the show.