It has been roughly 10 years since I’ve been on a date. I’ve always been too focused on my school work to bother with dating and then once I started working I was too busy with everything else to find time for it. Maybe, it’s time to get back to looking for someone to date. (Although part of me is saying “nahhh”.)
Is This The One? is “insightful dates for finding the love of your life.” The book is by Steve Arterburn and includes some tips that I think might be helpful and others I am not sure if I am going to use (but who knows). For instance – he suggest that when you think you are dating someone that you really like – take a break and date 10 other people to make sure that they really are the one. This seems a bit ridiculous to me – and he also said that he dated TWENTY people. I’ve always been told “when you know, you know” so I’m not sure why I would need to go and find 10 other guys to prove this to me.
Also included in the book are “themes” for dates. Different things you can do together to learn more about each other and dates for pretty much every holiday. Some of them seemed like they could work. Others, not so much. (A camping date? I don’t think so!) As well as some “red flags” on what type of people you might want to avoid because they might not be the best relationship material. (I am pretty sure I could read advice like this until the cows come home and I will still pick the worst guys ever to date. Maybe this is MORE of the reason why I haven’t been on a date in 10 years)
But if you are looking for ways to make your dating life a bit more interesting and also knowing things you should think about before you make the commitment to someone else to marry them until death do you part… you might want to check out Is This The One?
I received a free review e-copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
In Is This the One?, Steve Arterburn-an award-winning author and the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries, the largest faith-based broadcast counseling and treatment ministry-has created a “how to” plan for happier, stronger marriages. He contends that living in a “no regrets” relationship can be as simple following this spiritually solid and personally drawn plan before the first “I do” is even spoken. Host of the number one Christian radio broadcast, “New Life Live!,” Arterburn draws a painfully personal portrait of the devastation divorce has on a family. Rather than aiming at marriages already in jeopardy, Arterburn focuses attention on the beginning of relationships-before the commitment, before the emotional investment, before the children. He prescribes three sets of ten carefully devised dates designed to help couples reveal their true colors and clarify whether or not they are a compatible match. This practical, personal, and positive plan can impact marriages-and ground the skyrocketing divorce rate-as no other book has. Is This the One? is a must read for engaged or dating couples, happy singles, concerned parents, and anyone who wants to make better decisions about who to marry and who to leave behind.