Book Review: How to Travel the World For Free
When I saw the title “How to Travel the World For Free” I instantly knew I wanted to read this book and find out how! After reading it, I’m not sure that this method is for me – but it was certainly interesting reading about Michael Wigge’s travels.
His goal was to get the Antarctica – The End of the World – all while starting out on his travels without a penny. He spent time dumpster diving for food and also told his story at various bakeries and restaurants in hopes that they would just give him food (he had an 80% success rate in the US, but didn’t do as well in some other countries). He did strange things on the street for a dollar – like in Vegas he was a human couch and let people sit on him to rest for a dollar. And in San Francisco he had a pillow fight with people for $1 (This seemed to be one of his more successful endeavors). He also sold himself as a butler for a day and did other odd jobs in exchange for cash or train/bus/plane tickets.
I think the most fascinating part of his story was the “detour” he took to Hawaii and how that went about happening for him. I won’t give away too many details of how that all went down because you should definitely check out this book for yourself.
Did he meet his goal of Antarctica? Or did he cave and use a credit card to buy some food after going a day and a half without eating?
Do you think that you could survive traveling without any money and having to beg, borrow, steal and couch surf? I am not sure that I could do it but I definitely give props to those who can!
I received a free e-copy of this book from NetGalley in order to write this review.
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