May 10, 2012

Book Review: How to Travel the World For Free

When I saw the title “How to Travel the World For Free” I instantly knew I wanted to read this book and find out how!  After reading it, I’m not sure that this method is for me – but it was certainly interesting reading about Michael Wigge’s travels.

His goal was to get the Antarctica – The End of the World – all while starting out on his travels without a penny.  He spent time dumpster diving for food and also told his story at various bakeries and restaurants in hopes that they would just give him food (he had an 80% success rate in the US, but didn’t do as well in some other countries).  He did strange things on the street for a dollar – like in Vegas he was a human couch and let people sit on him to rest for a dollar.  And in San Francisco he had a pillow fight with people for $1 (This seemed to be one of his more successful endeavors). He also sold himself as a butler for a day and did other odd jobs in exchange for cash or train/bus/plane tickets.

I think the most fascinating part of his story was the “detour” he took to Hawaii and how that went about happening for him.  I won’t give away too many details of how that all went down because you should definitely check out this book for yourself.

Did he meet his goal of Antarctica? Or did he cave and use a credit card to buy some food after going a day and a half without eating?

Do you think that you could survive traveling without any money and having to beg, borrow, steal and couch surf?  I am not sure that I could do it but I definitely give props to those who can!

I received a free e-copy of this book from NetGalley in order to write this review.


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The Voice – Finale

Ah… the finale of the voice.  4 hours of TV and less than 30 minutes of actual content. But I loved every minute of it. Well, maybe.  Towards the end I was just getting a bit angry. And during the beginning of the Tuesday night show too.  The show now makes me rage now. Too much drama!

Monday performances:

Jermaine – I Believe I Can Fly – Jermaine is really good and I think that he is definitely up there to be in the top 2…

Juliet – Crazy – Missed half of this performance because I was out and came in in the middle of it… (then got kicked out of the TV room when tried to watch it back from the recording lol) but it was a solid performance from Juliet from what I heard

Chris & Christina – The Prayer – I wasn’t sure if Christina was going to try and out sing him in this, but it seemed like a decent match.

Tony – 99 Problems – Definitely an interesting twist on a song and of course I loved it. Way to go Tony!  (And eff you Christina. I love you but really… I don’t get it)

Chris – The Voice Within – Well, his coach completely ruined this for me. Gosh Christina. I’m sorry Tony didn’t want to date you TWENTY YEARS AGO (or whatever it is that is bugging your ass)

Juliet and CeeLo – Born To Be Wild – Really great song choice for the both of them!

Tony and Adam – Yesterday – I just love these two.

Jermaine – God Gave Me You – Great performance by Jermaine. (And I love Dave Barnes who wrote this song)

Chris – You Raise Me Up – Eh. I’m growing less and less tolerant of him as the night goes on, unfortunately due to his coach. I should keep the two separate but it’s getting to the point I can’t anymore.

Blake and Jermaine – Soul Man – I wasnt sure what these two were going to do together, but I think this worked out really, really well for the two of them and was a lot of fun!

Tony – Harder To Breathe – Oops. I dont really know the words to this one either and it is fast paced. He probably should have picked something different from the M5 catalog…

Juliet – Free Bird – Another interesting song choice from Juliet. I like her, but I think she is a bit too shouty/screachy at times to be ‘the voice’ (and im wicked biased because a guy Ive had a crush on for 20something years is in the competition, so ya know)


My predictions on winning:

Tony – Winner
Jermaine – 2nd
Juliet – Runner up
Chris – Runner Up

I Want You Back with Jermaine, Pip, Jamar and James was great. My mom wants them to form their own group and said “they can be a boyband!”  Eh, maybe. I guess if Jermaine doesn’t win then he can always fall back on that.

Chris, Lindsay and Katrina was a bit of a bust for me. Chris seems too shouty when he is singing non-opera songs.

Juliet Jamar Erin and RaeLyn – This group really sounded great together too! Although I think Jamar got louder cheers than Juliet!

Tony & Jordis – Awesome performance from Tony and Jordis. Now can we find out who wins? No.. another half an hour to go?

Well, I had 4th place right… but everything else was screwed up.  I’m totally cool with Jermaine winning though – if it couldn’t be Tony I’d have wanted it to be Jermaine.


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