January 29, 2012

Free Honor Society Music

You may have seen me talk about one of my favorite bands, Honor Society, on this blog before.  If you haven’t checked them out yet – I’ve got a great offer for you.  In fact, if you have checked them out and liked what you heard – I’ve got a great offer for you as well. (And if you checked them out and didn’t like what you heard? How about you give them another shot?)

Back in October 2010, Honor Society started up what was known as “The Honor System” where almost every week we were given a FREE song to download.  Most of these were just rough cut demos and some of them made it on to their new album, a Tale of Risky Business Part 2.  Others may pop up live or on future releases while some may never see a release outside of The Honor System.

Well, for 2012 – The Honor System is back!

To get the free track – all you need to do is:

1. Go to http://www.facebook.com/honorsociety

2. “Like” the page, if you haven’t already.

3. Click the “FREE NEW MUSIC” tab.

4. Tell your friends.


Right now the guys have just posted the first track of the new Honor System called “Obsession”  the song art work was a painting done by lead singer Mike Bruno.

The second Honor System song will be posted when they have received 133,600 likes on their page (approximately 2,000 since the announcement of the song) which is why it is very important that if you like what you hear, to tell your friends about it.  Or if you don’t like what you hear but know of a friend or two that might dig it… Spread the word either way 😉



Book Review: First Date by Krista McGee

First Date by Krista McGee was a bit cheesy, but fun to read.  It is based around Addy Davidson, a high schooler chosen to participate on a reality TV Show “Book of Love” to win a date with the President’s Son, Jonathon Jackson.  She doesn’t want anything to do with the competition so she decides to be honest and tell Jonathon up front that she hopes to be one of the first ones to go home.  Of course this backfires and the viewers end up loving her, which doesn’t make the producer very happy, since he is apparently accepting bribes from other contestant’s parents to help them hang around in the competition longer.

Each competition, the producer tries to work against Addy so that she will go home, but Jonathon, who is ultimately picking the winner (or is he?) takes a liking to Addy.  And Addy ends up taking a liking to Jonathon even though she didn’t expect to.

There are also some subplots going on – Addy’s parents were missionaries and killed when Addy was young.  She has been living with her Uncle Mike ever since.  Uncle Mike ends up being one of the security guards for the TV show but no one can know they are related.  He brings Addy some of her mom’s journals which help Addy stay sane during all the craziness of the reality show.

Addy and Mike also overhear an assassination plot on the President and Jonathon and work with the Secret Service to catch the guys and put them in jail.

This is a Christian fiction so there is a lot of bible verses and christian talk mixed in with the story.  It is a quick young adult read and I read it in about 2 hours.  Like I said, it was pretty cheesy, but cute too.

Book Description

Addy Davidson is the last girl in the country who wants to be on the new reality TV show to win a date to prom with the President’s son. She’s focused on her schoolwork so she can get a scholarship to an Ivy League college, uncomfortable in the spotlight, never been on a date, and didn’t even audition for it.

But she got selected anyway.

So she does her best to get eliminated on the very first show… right before she realizes that the President’s son is possibly the most attractive guy she has ever seen in person, surprisingly nice, and seemingly unimpressed by the 99 other girls who are throwing themselves at him.

Addy’s totally out of her comfort zone—but that may be right where God can show her the most about who she is . . . and who she was meant to be.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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