January 28, 2012

Idol Thoughts: Episodes 3,4,5

THREE episodes of Idol this week! How fun!  What wasn’t fun was staying up from 11pm to midnight to watch the “special SUNDAY episode” that ended up being reaired at a normal time on Tuesday.  Wish I had known that was going to happen ahead of time because I would have gone to bed a bit earlier! (Actually, who am I kidding? We would have watched a different show instead – we were up until 1am as it was trying to make a dent in the DVR to no avail).  Only two names added to my list from this episode – Ashley Robles and Ali Shields.  Jim Carrey’s daughter might have potential too, but we’ll have to see what she does in Hollywood.

Wednesday night we were in Aspen, CO.  I wasn’t entirely paying attention to this episode – but I did like the girl with the 60s/70s vibe and the girl with bipolar.  Otherwise I wasn’t entirely impressed with the talent they passed through to Hollywood – but during hell week anything can happen.

Thursday brought us to Houston, TX.  Skylar Lane – may be country but I like her – and I like that she’s not a girly girl even though she could come off as one.  Bailey..I don’t remember her from Ssn 6 (but I do remember the jersey girls. yuck) but I do like her now! Kristine Osoirio was good as well.  (And the few Jennifer thought were good but the guys weren’t, I agreed with Jennifer.)  And finally a decent boy! Cortez Shaw. I thought we were seriously lacking in the guy department the past few episodes!  Ramiro Garcia is good too – but another one w/ a sob story.


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