
Our phone number is a couple digits off to the local Macy’s and we have been getting calls asking for them for as long as I can remember. (When I was a kid it was Filene’s, but they have since merged and kept the same phone number)  Today a “Private” number came up on the caller ID so we let the machine get it. We had a laugh.  A couple minutes later, it rang AGAIN, once again a “Private” number and the second message was left. I love how she found it “disgusting” that no one was talking back to her – when she was talking to our answering machine. Gotta love stupid old people.

If she called a 3rd time, I was going to answer and say that it was Macy’s but we no longer had a bedding department and mess with her.  But she never did call back.

I guess this is what I get for getting angry people were calling and then hanging up on the machine all last week. hahaha

(PS – I have added a new contact me form to the right column ->> over there somewhere – it goes straight to my email if you have anything you want to talk to me about but don’t want to leave in a comment!)

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