March 2010

Would You Rather Wednesday

March 25
Have bamboo for hair
corkscrews for nipples

Bamboo for hair. It might be more manageable that way and if not I’ll be really popular with Pandas…

March 26
Always have to wear NFL Referee garb
a wizards robe and hat.

Wizards. Duh.

March 27/28
Live in a world where massive afros were mandatory for members of congres
where it was legal, in face encouraged, to crucify mimes.

While mimes are creepy, I don’t want to kill them and afros are pretty harmless…

March 29
Exhibit a defensive stance whenever standing around
Automatically revert to jazz hands whenever your hands are not in use?


March 30
Never have had your umbilical cord disconnected from your mother
have had it disconnected but then reconnected to queen elizabeth?

As fun as my mom is, I think being attached to queen elizabeth might be a bit more interesting…

March 31
Have a sinus infection and any time you sneeze while in the presence of others, they change sex
have the inability to distinguish between babies and english muffins?

LMAO. I’ll go with sneezing. That could be fun at work.

Lifehouse – Acoustic Cafe – March 27, 2010

About a week or so ago I got an email from 96.5 TIC saying that they were doing an acoustic cafe with Lifehouse and they were giving away tickets online through their Insiders Club.  I went to their site, got my 5,000 points and then traded in for the tickets.  For no apparent reason other than I seem to have an addiction to concerts, and the free-er, the better.

Christine said she would go with me, so I went to her house and then we headed to Up Or On The Rocks which is also where we saw Kris Allen’s acoustic cafe back in December.

The event was set to start at noon, but at 11:30ish when we got there, everything was locked up.  A bunch of people showed up at the same time we did, so we formed a bit of a line and made small talk with those around us to pass the time.

We were let in and grabbed a spot near the stage.  Gone By Daylight played about 6 songs – they had participated in the battle of the bands to win an opening slot for Bon Jovi (who is also in town this weekend) but hadn’t won. 

After their set, we hung around downstairs waiting to see if they were going to bring us upstairs again for the main event, or what was going on.  No announcement was made, but then everyone started heading up the stairs.  For some reason the crowd seemed a lot smaller when we headed upstairs, and I found a nice poll to lean on.

Ricky and Jason of Lifehouse came on stage and sang two songs.  I was a little shocked it was so short, Kris had done several songs and with the opening act playing so many songs, I thought for sure Lifehouse would have done more.  (Basically, I was holding out hope that they’d sing “Hanging By A Moment”)

Then we waited in line for the M&G;, go our picture taken with Ricky and Jason and a pre-signed photo.

Check out video clips of both songs they sang below.. and some of my photos! (I only managed to take 10, but they didn’t all turn out that well lol)

First Time
Halfway Gone


Would You Rather Wednesday

March 18
Have a crazy fun-house-styled rear-view mirror
Strobe light headlights?

Strobe light headlights would drive me more crazy than a fun house mirror – so I am going with rear-view mirror!

March 19
Have mood Irises (change color according to your mood)
make the sound of a motorcycle engine revving when laughing?

Mood irises. Otherwise I’d become more obnoxious than I already am.

March 20/21
Drink a big gulp of sweat wrung out from NBA players undergarments
A bowl of ice cold saliva tapped with floss residue collected over ten years from british homeless men’s teeth?

Honestly I don’t think I can think about this one without getting sick so I am not going to answer.

March 22
Appear as Ice-T in the Mirror
Have a bizarre neurological condition in which anytime you enter a room, darth vader’s theme sounds?

Definitely Darth Vader’s theme. That would be pretty cool, and appropriate, I think.

March 23
Always have to wear ultra-ultra low-riding jeals (waistline is below the genitals)
ulta-high riding jeans (waistline above the nipples)

Neither of these seem very comfortable at all – but I will go with ultra-high. I could make them look like overalls.

March 24
Have a rare disorder that allows you to dispose of bodily waste only in pool table pockets
that forces you to have to urinate in mailboxes?

Ok this one is just ridiculous, again, I’m not answering!

Flashback Friday – 1999

It’s time for another installment of Flashback Friday. This month I am featuring 1999. Again, I only went to 1 concert. This was NSYNC at the Meadows Music Theater, we had lawn seats (which is probably why I chose to not to include any photos other than the poster I made – which is made up of tiny cut outs of each NSYNC members heads and their flame logo. The amount of teenie bopper magazines I had to cut up to have made this must have been insane)

Check it out under the cut

Nsync July 1999

Carrie Underwood Arena at Harbor Yard 3/16/10

Tuesday night Carrie Underwood brought her “Play On” tour to the Arena at Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, CT.  She brought with her Sons of Sylvia and Craig Morgan as support.

Sons of Sylvia hit the stage about 7:30 and played an approximate 30 minute set.  I really enjoyed them and had hoped they would announce that they would be doing a Meet & Greet after their set or after their show, but they didn’t say anything.

Craig Morgan was up next and played about 45 minutes.  He was just a little bit too country for my tastes, though the crowd really seemed to enjoy him.  I was impressed though when his mic started sounding incredibly static-y, and then went out completely and he didn’t miss a beat going to grab a mic from his backup singer to finish the song (and set!) with.

Then it was time for the main event – Carrie Underwood!  I have loved Carrie since the beginning of Idol (I picked her as my favorite because she was from Oklahoma!) but have never had the chance to see her live before, I didn’t even go to the Idol tour when she won.

Carrie came out from below the stage sitting on a couch to sing Cowboy Cassanova. She worked the stage and sang quitter and Wasted, and sat down on the stops for I Know You Won’t, where she belted out THE most amazing note.  Incredible.

For Some Hearts she was down on the “catwalk” (which was very short and stubby, as far as catwalks go) and played the guitar.

She sang Just A Dream with a huge pink poofy beautiful skirt on, on a swing.  She then followed it up with her other tear jerker of a song, Temporary Home.  She told about how she wrote it very quickly and it meant a lot for her and took her some time to be able to sing it without crying.

The entire All American Girl was sung on our “cat walk” near us, which was awesome and the lighting was perfect and I got a ton of amazing photos.  Our seats were the 2nd row of the side section, we were about even with 6th or 7th row on the floor.  She finished the set with So Small.

There was a small intermission of sorts with a video of Carrie walking on the screen, she was walking through different places, Oklahoma, Nashville, Hollywood and was then picked up by a blue pick up truck.  Next thing we know, the truck is right next to us and she is flying up over our heads in this truck!!! It went to about halfway back on the floor while she finished up singing Country Road Take Me Home and made its way back around to the other side of the stage while she sang This Time.

Back on the stage she sang Undo It and then sang another song that was very special to her, her first single, Jesus Take The Wheel.  After that she went into an amazing rendition of How Great Thou Art.  It was very moving and I wish I had taken video of that as well, but I stopped once she was finished with Jesus Take The Wheel!

Then the moment we were waiting for since Sons of Sylvia left the stage earlier – they came back to sing What Can I Say with Carrie! My only complaint about this one was that I had wished the part Ashley and Carrie were standing on rotated during the song so I could see both of their faces at points.

For Change, Carrie had on a dress that was basically a LED screen and would do all sorts of special effects on the screen.  It was a very nice touch.  And then after the song was over she walked away from it and it stood standing.  Either way, I was impressed with it.

Carrie came back over to our side to announce what the fanclub pick was going to be.  (I felt like she gave our side a lot more love than the other)  The screens weren’t working right away, it was supposed to show the 4 categories and then show what one we had voted for.  I had voted for 80s and 80s won!  Carrie sang Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5.

The end of the show was incredibly up beat and a great way to end the night, with a bunch of my favorites of her songs – Last Name, Before He Cheats and Songs Like This.  She looked like she was having a blast on stage, going from one side to the other and dancing, as well as encouraging us all to dance.

The show ended about 11pm and was just an incredible night.  I left so, so impressed.  I was even considering going to the show this Saturday at the casino just to see it all again as surely there were details I had missed the first time – but it looks like it is SOLD OUT!   Great for Carrie, not so great for me, but I’ll survive 😉

If you get the chance to see this show – definitely take it – the tickets were very reasonably priced (ours were the most expensive bracket and were only about $60) and you get more than what you paid for with the effects and of course, the signing! Carrie is phenomenal.

 Cowboy Cassanova
I Know You Won’t
Some Hearts
Just A Dream
Temporary Home
Someday When I Stop Loving You
All American Girl
So Small
Country Road Take Me Home
This Time
Undo It
Jesus Take The Wheel
How Great Thou Art
What Can I Say (With Sons of Sylvia)
I Told You So
Mama’s Song
Fan Club Pick – 80s – 9 to 5
Last Name
Before He Cheats
Songs Like This

Sons of Sylvia

Carrie Underwood Media Post

A review and photos will be coming soon – but first here is a media post. I have clips of just about *every* song Carrie sang last night To say I got ‘carried’ away would be an understatement!

Just A Dream

Jesus Take The Wheel

9 to 5

Songs Like This

Clips of almost everything else

Last couple of songs

What Can I say with Sons of Sylvia

Would You Rather Wednesday

Thursday March 11
Have a shadow on two-second delay
Have an echo that is the voice of barry white?

Echo! That would be fun! And creep people out!

Friday March 12
Have a uni-brow
a uni-lash?

I think a unibrow would be a bit less noticeable? So I will go with that!

Saturday/Sunday March 13/14
Be stoned to death by pickles
Submerged in mayonnaise until you suffocate?

I love me some mayo, so I’ll go with that. (And can you be stoned by pickles? Wouldn’t you be pickled by pickes?)

Monday March 15
Wake up each day with a completely new height
a completely different age?

Hmm I think both of these could be hard to adjust to, but I am going to go with age. I am clumsy enough as it is, I don’t need to wake up 8 feet tall and not know how to deal with it LOL

Tuesday March 16
Have to use clothespins to keep your eyelids shut for any sustained period of time
Only be able to prevent continuous nose hair growth by a constant exertion of will?

Wow. I think clothespins to keep my eyelids shut – and hopefully the wouldn’t fly off in the middle of sleeping!

Wednesday March 17
have a beard of bees
an afros of krazy straws?

I think I’ve established I don’t like bugs – so clearly an afro of krazy straws. PLUS, that seems pretty awesome.

American Idol Thoughts

I keep meaning to blog about American Idol but then something comes up and I get distracted.

I really have no clear cut favorites – I am rooting for Katie Stevens since she is named Katie and from CT, like me, but she is really going to have to kick it up a notch to stick around to the tour. Same goes for Andrew Garcia – early on these two were my favorites but it seems possible that both of these artists peaked too early. We’ll have to see what they end up doing tonight. (Which I won’t be seeing until tomorrow, but that’s besides the point)

I also enjoy Siobahn Magnus. She can sing – and she’s a Hanson fan so I really can’t go wrong there. Casey James is also a favorite from early on – he’s cute and he seems to have been somewhat consistent.

As far as the eliminations last week – yes, I was shocked and yes I think a couple of them weren’t right. I am doing’s office pool and for the girls I had picked Katelyn, Lacey and/or Paige to go home. I only got one right there – either of the other two I picked should have gone before Lilly, IMO.

For the boys I thought Todrick Hall and Aaron Kelly would be going home. Definitely did not expect Alex Lambert, though I do not support the petitions to bring him back. Odds are really good he wouldn’t win, so why put the poor kid through all that heart break AGAIN? I definitely agree he got a bad break, but that is the way the game is played. If he couldn’t get the votes to make it into the top 12, he wouldn’t get the votes to stick around for that long. (Although, maybe if he came back with a new hair do and last name, I’d like him more?)

I’m not sure if I will be blogging about Idol throughout the season – probably only when I have something I want to say… but I will most likely be live tweeting from the performances on @KatieSociety.

However, I am off to see Idol Alum Carrie Underwood tonight so I will have to catch up on everything tomorrow! Word on the street is Paige Miles might be to ill to perform! She has no voice… hmm.

Oh Christmas Tree

For as long as I could remember, it had always been said that my first Christmas tree, planted in the front yard, would be grown until it was big enough to be the tree at Rockefeller Center. My mom had even gone so far as to say that if we sold the house, it would be written in the contract that they couldn’t cut it down unless it was going to be THE Christmas tree.

As I got older, actually visiting the tree in Rockefeller Center, I realized that either we had a LOT of years to wait for it to be big enough, or it would just never grow big enough. But always in the back of my mind I had hoped it would happen, an item on my “Life List”

Yesterday, we had a really bad storm. About 3:30 we lost power and by 4:15 I was so completely bored that I decided to just go to bed. I was laying there for a minute when the whole house shook. My mom called up to make sure I was alright, for some reason she thought I had fallen. (Does the house really shake THAT much when I fall?) I told her no…

She looked outside and I hear.. “Katie’s tree fell” so I jump out of bed and look out the window and sure enough it is laying across the front yard. In its fall, it took down the wires attached to our house.

Then it was time for the real excitement, we had to call 911 and the Electric Company. A little while later a fire truck showed up. We sat outside waiting to see what would happen, all our neighbors were trapped as the street next to us has no outlet.

One of the firemen came and told me they were waiting for the electric company and they were backed up. I started documenting on my flip camera everything that was going on.

Eventually the firetruck left and a fire rescue truck was there. Later the fire rescue truck left and a cop car stayed there for the night. I went to bed just after the clocks changed to 3am, hoping that I wouldn’t sleep through the Electric Company coming so I could document that part of the story.

Unfortunately I woke up at 7:30 and looked out the window and the wires were fixed, so I missed it. I went back to sleep and later my mom told me they came at 6:30 to fix it and she decided not to wake me.

The next step is the get the wires hooked back up to our house and have the tree removed. I am still figuring out how to somehow get the tree to Rockefeller Center. It might not be the whole tree, but if I can get even just a tiny piece of it, I can still cross it off my list, right?


iTunes Stats

Found this on Facebook and thought it might be interesting.

iTunes stats…

How many songs total: 8948
How many hours/days of music: 23.1

Sort By Song Title:
First Song: A-E-I-O-U/The Caterpillar Song/Keep Your Temper – Alice in Wonderland
Last Song: 99% – The Mooney Suzuki

Sort By Time
Shortest Song: If I Were A Girl – Blink 182 (0:05)
Longest Song: Love Somebody to Know – Hanson (17:41)

Sort By Album
First Album: Aaron’s Party (Come Get It)
Last Album: 98 Degrees and Rising – 98 Degrees

Top Five Most Played Songs:
(I do most of my listening on my ipod, not my computer)
1. Honor Society – Can’t Box Me In
2. Honor Society – Over You
3. Adam Lambert – No Boundaries
4. Kris Allen – No Boundaries
5. Nick Jonas – Who I Am

First Song That Came Up on Shuffle:
The OC End Theme – Christopher Tyng

Search The Following & State How Many Songs Come Up:
Death: 18
Life: 176
Love: 577
Hate: 18
You: 1424
Sex: 54

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