The streak continues…

Somehow I have only managed to get photos with Idols that have come in second place (even though I have met a winner and 4th place as well) and today that streak continued to 3 with David Archuleta.
Lauren’s got the hookups and got us let into the station for a “Pizza Party” with David this afternoon at KC101’s studios. I mean… at a “secret location”

When we arrived, we watched David doing an interview in the studio and I kind of felt like I was at the Zoo watching him through the glass. Then we headed into a back conference room and had pizza, cookies, candy, etc while waiting for David to finish up his interviews and spots.

Then David entered the room, which was made obvious by all the screams. He went around the room and signed for everyone and then we all got our photos taken with him, thus extending my streak. (For those curious I have also met and Diana DeGarmo, Blake Lewis, Josh Gracin and Ruben Studdard)

I was the only person to stand on David’s left and he said to me “You’re the first one that came to the left!” and I said “Well, I just like to be different” and I think us talking might have been captured in the photo. Haha.

He is so cute and little (though obviously not as little as me) and I just wanted to hug him and squish him.



Hanson 10/22 – Zac’s 23rd Birthday

I was going to start out this blog by saying that I’ve never been to a concert on one of the artists birthdays before, but then I realized that would be a lie because it was Ramiele’s birthday at the American Idol concert last month! (And perhaps it was others birthdays as well but I just wasn’t paying attention or have forgotten through the years)

But I have been to a Hanson concert on both MY birthday and now Zac’s birthday too, so that must count for something.

I heard 4 new songs – which i was happy about. It took me 2 shows in a row to get 4 new songs in April. (But they also didn’t have a new EP they were promoting) One of which was the only song I hadn’t previously heard from “The Walk”, Fire On The Mountain. Zac did it as a solo on guitar and it was spectacular. (I had heard them sound checking it when I arrived so I kept my fingers crossed)

Two were from Take The Walk EP – Hope It Comes Soon and Follow Your Lead. They had sang the other 2 previously on tour – hopefully I didn’t miss my chance to hear those completely. (Like I think I might have done with “Love Somebody to Know” on the Underneath tour)

And the final new song was a cover, Higher, which I believe was from Sly and the Family Stone.

Other highlights were – Underneath which hadn’t been played in a while (at any show I’ve been to, anyway) and Running Man followed by Oh Darlin’. Gotta love the back to back Zac!

Before Zac did his solo, a lot of the audience put on birthday hats. Zac commented that we were all wearing funny hats. Then he said something like, “No more tattoos? Just funny hats?” taking a jab at how a lot of Hanson fans get tattoos of lyrics, symbols and images that remind them of the band (Or at least that is how I took it)

Later on Taylor talked about how Zac was going to be 23 and i’m not sure exactly what happened but it ended with Zac calling Taylor a jerk!

And maybe this is obsessive, but once again I was thinking scrapbook layouts while taking pics. “Zac of All Trades” for a title – he played the drums, guitar, harmonica and djembe!

Opening acts were Everybody Else (I met Carrick after the show) and Dave Barnes. I was impressed with both of them and will be heading over to iTunes soon to pick up some of their stuff!


The setlist was:
1. Something Going Round
2. Higher (cover)
3. Been There Before
4. Minute Without You
5. Penny & Me
6. Follow Your Lead
7. Great Divide

8. Georgia (acoustic)
9. Go (acoustic)
10. Underneath (acoustic)
11. Fire On The Mountain (Zac solo)

12. Dancin’ in the Wind
13. Blue Sky
14. Where’s the Love
15. Hope It Comes Soon
16. Can’t Stop
17. Running Man
18. Oh Darlin’
19. MMMBop
20. If Only / Lets Get It On
21. Hey
22. Watch Over Me

23. Lost Without Each Other


Row K and Jonas 3d Movie

I’ve finally gotten word from the Backstreet Boys that my seats are in Row K. I think that is 9th row because if I remember correctly, the section they are in starts with C. But at the most, it’s 11 rows back which is not bad at all. Significantly closer than our 2001 show – so I’ll take it!

Jonas Brothers have named their 3D movie:

Not sure if I’m feeling the name, it’s kind of blah. But no matter what it’s called I’ll be seeing it, since I very well might be in it!

Fan Club Tickets

I’m a member of several fanclubs. I find the $20-$40 yearly membership fee to be worth it if it means being that much closer at the concerts. (But get me to join and then not add any dates near me and I won’t renew and might not go see you ever again – I’m talking to you, Maroon 5)

When Backstreet Boys released their tour dates, I knew I wanted to be close. I had decent seats when I saw them in 2001 or whenever the heck that was, but since we had gotten snowed out of their show last year I felt I owed it to Lisa and myself to get good seats for their upcoming show here.

Except… their fanclub doesn’t tell you where your seats are ahead of time! They simply tell you what sections they are in. The sections mentioned were the first 3 sections in front of the stage, so I figured I’d risk it (plus I had already paid the membership fee so I didn’t want it to go to waste since the NSYNC fan in me definitely was feeling shocked and betrayed)

The seats only go back about 30 rows in those sections, which isn’t bad. It would definitely be closer than we were in last December – because we will actually be IN the theater.

Now I am just waiting for the damn things to come in the mail so I can find out where the seats are. It’s kind of like waiting for Christmas, except the gifts aren’t hidden somewhere and you can’t go sneak a peak. They have to show up in the mail first. Sigh.

In related news, the tickets I have for NKOTB are High Roller seats, which I imagine will be decent much like Fan Club seats are.

And I’m too exhausted to drive the MA to see Hanson this weekend so I’m probably selling my ticket or just not going at all. Zac’s birthday show will be good enough for me.

Blake Lewis October 10

Thursday I was at work, working. (Because really, what else is there to do at work?) When my phone began to ring. It was an 860 number, but hey, I was at work so of course I answered! It was Q105 calling to tell me that I had won passes to meet Blake Lewis at Mohegan Sun Friday night! I had to get to the radio station before 5 on Friday and be at the casino by 5:45 for the Meet and Greet.

We picked up our passes from the station and were told that we would get to meet Blake around 6, he’d be performing at 7 until about 7:30 and then after that we would get to jump the line for the merch signing. Which seemed weird. Was Blake not going to sign at the Meet and Greet?

At 5:45, we met up wit Stephanie from Mohegan and she told us to go through doors and wait and that no one was in there yet. (Though I very badly wanted to scream like Blake was there to freak out the other girls waiting to come in)

A little while later, Blake came in and then left. And then came back. We thought we’d be moving to another room but we weren’t, we did the M&G; in this little lobby area. And Blake did sign. (I bought his CD and got it signed and Lauren had him sign her pass)


Everyone got a photo with him and then we left for dinner which was Ben and Jerrys ice cream.

When we got back to the stage area there was a nice crowd that had formed. I decided to go to the upper level and look down for the performance, while Lauren stayed below for a little bit and then met me up top.

Blake performed 4 or 5 songs, including a free style one he made up about Mohegan Sun. Then everyone made a mad dash down to SolToro for the signing – but Lauren and I went to gamble since we didn’t really see the point in getting in line again when we already got stuff signed.

All in all it was pretty weird.. but very cool.



Welcome to my concert blog! On this blog I hope to post concert reviews as well as my scrapbook pages. I will try to get a backlog of 2008 posted, not so sure about the past 10 years worth of concerts I’ve attended, but we will see!!

I hope to be adding lots of content here, as I keep track of LOTS of random stats for my concerts. How many I’ve attended, how many different artists I’ve seen live, $$ spent, miles driven, etc. I’ll try to get all of that added in the sidebar soon so you can track it all as well.

I’ll try to get an archive somewhere for a list of all the concerts I’ve gone to as well as all the artists I’ve seen. It’s a lot!

If you can’t wait for that – head on over to My Concert Page and check it out.

Also – my scrapbook photo album can be found at Flickr I hope to get a back log posted there and in the future post things directly to the blog… I have high hopes so we’ll see how much I accomplish.

American Idols Live September 6

The Idols did not disappoint! Even Kristy Lee Cook, who was mediocre at best on the show, found her niche and actually made the songs she sang sound decent!

I left the show impressed and knew that I would absolutely have to see David Cook again – even if it meant I had to fly to the moon to do it. He was THAT good. I also wouldn’t mind checking out Michael Johns again either.

The performers were:
Chickezie, Ramile Malluby, Michael Johns, Carly Smithson, Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, Jason Castro, Syesha Mercado, David Archuletta, David Cook


Push Play September 5

One of the funnier moments of the night was when a cop came over to 2 guys and asked them if they were staying for the show. “My son is the lead singer” one said. The other was the bands manager. Apparently they had asked some girls if they were on the street team and how old they were and the girls found it creepy and told their parents who told the cop.

I’m not sure if I’d go see Push Play again. They are about to make the “big times” but I really think they need some work and need to become more polished.

Honor Society August 27

Because we’re bored, this post comes to you as a conversation…

Lauren: It was a bright and shiny day. I was running a half hour late due to traffic so I texted Katie that I would drive. When I pulled into her driveway at 4 p.m., her mom pulled up next to me, of course, I thought that someone was following me instead! Katie and I jumped in my car (not literally) and were on our way to New Jersey!

Katie: Again! haha.

Lauren: Yes, we head to New Jersey for the second time in a month.

Katie: What should have been an hour and a half ride, ended up being more like 3 hours.

Lauren: That was a redonculus trek. Not only was there traffic, there was an fender-bender caused by the bumper-to-bumper traffic!

Katie: Anywho, despite a little confusion with our trusty TomTom, we made it to Oakes Park with time to spare.

Lauren: And at 7:38 p.m. the gentlemen introduced and walked to the front of the gazebo.

Katie: And what we thought would be a peaceful evening, sitting down and enjoying the show was ruined, when Michael told everyone to stand up, and we could no longer see!

Lauren: Thanks Mike!

Katie: Then you left me when they started to play. 🙁

Lauren: I didn’t leave for long!

Katie: Okay, you’re right…Lauren went to scope out a decent spot for us to move to. We ended up standing on the side of the “stage” for several songs.

Lauren: We were there for pretty much the entire show.

Katie: Oh.. maybe i was distracted.

Lauren: What else is new – anyways, below is the set list:

This Bed is An Ocean
Kiss me Like You Mean It
Why Didn’t I?
No Win Situation
Two Rebels
Goodnight my Love
Nobody Has To Know
The Takeover
See u In The Dark

Honor Society August 23

August 23 Lauren and I had tickets to see John Mayer in Hartford. But one day I was looking at HS’s myspace and was like “They added a date…” So we decided to try and sell the Mayer tickets (which we were successful at the last minute in doing) and head to Long Island (Islip, NY) to see the gentlemen.

Connecticut and Long Island are kind of parallel to each other. But there is no bridge connecting them. There is a ferry but we would have had to take the car with us and it would have gotten pretty expensive. So basically we drove down the coast of Connecticut, into New York and then up parallel through Long Island, kind of sort of back tracking. I kind of wanted to build a bridge. Or invent a flying car. You know, whatever could get us there fastest.

We got there early and decided to try and see the beach. Except, this is Long Island, everything was private. So we didn’t find much of anything… saw some boats though.

Once we parked, we spotted all the guys on their cell phones. It almost looked like they were all talking to each other. Pretty funny. We paid our $10 donation/admission (It was a benefit for Lupus) and found out that Honor Society wouldn’t be going on until 10 pm. As we listened to the other bands and they said their names, we could tell that this concert was running WAY behind schedule.

The guys took the stage about 10:30 and ended their set around 11:30. We thought they might get shut down because of noise ordinances or whatever it is. Here in CT, I think you can’t play past 11. But despite the wait, a great show was performed, as always.

We quickly said goodbye to Andrew and made our parallel backtracking trek home.

The setlist for the evening was:
This Bed Is An Ocean
Kiss Me Like You Mean It
Why Didnt I
No Win Situation
Two Rebels
Nobody Has To Know
See U In The Dark

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