September 2008

American Idols Live September 6

The Idols did not disappoint! Even Kristy Lee Cook, who was mediocre at best on the show, found her niche and actually made the songs she sang sound decent!

I left the show impressed and knew that I would absolutely have to see David Cook again – even if it meant I had to fly to the moon to do it. He was THAT good. I also wouldn’t mind checking out Michael Johns again either.

The performers were:
Chickezie, Ramile Malluby, Michael Johns, Carly Smithson, Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, Jason Castro, Syesha Mercado, David Archuletta, David Cook


Push Play September 5

One of the funnier moments of the night was when a cop came over to 2 guys and asked them if they were staying for the show. “My son is the lead singer” one said. The other was the bands manager. Apparently they had asked some girls if they were on the street team and how old they were and the girls found it creepy and told their parents who told the cop.

I’m not sure if I’d go see Push Play again. They are about to make the “big times” but I really think they need some work and need to become more polished.

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