Thursday I was at work, working. (Because really, what else is there to do at work?) When my phone began to ring. It was an 860 number, but hey, I was at work so of course I answered! It was Q105 calling to tell me that I had won passes to meet Blake Lewis at Mohegan Sun Friday night! I had to get to the radio station before 5 on Friday and be at the casino by 5:45 for the Meet and Greet.
At 5:45, we met up wit Stephanie from Mohegan and she told us to go through doors and wait and that no one was in there yet. (Though I very badly wanted to scream like Blake was there to freak out the other girls waiting to come in)
A little while later, Blake came in and then left. And then came back. We thought we’d be moving to another room but we weren’t, we did the M&G; in this little lobby area. And Blake did sign. (I bought his CD and got it signed and Lauren had him sign her pass)
When we got back to the stage area there was a nice crowd that had formed. I decided to go to the upper level and look down for the performance, while Lauren stayed below for a little bit and then met me up top.
All in all it was pretty weird.. but very cool.