Music Monday: Madonna #RebelHeart #O2O
Living For Love
Devil Pray
Unapologetic Bitch
Bitch I’m Madonna
Hold Tight
Joan of Arc
Holy Water
Inside Out
Wash All Over Me
Before you read any further – Madonna’s latest CD contains songs about sex and drugs. If this is something you’re uncomfortable with you’ll either want to avoid this CD or you’ll have a few songs that you’ll want to skip. I don’t mind the sex songs but I did skip the few that had drug references just because that has no interest to me in my life or music.
This is the 13th studio album from Madonna and was released on March 6, 2015. Six songs had been available since December due to leaks – so Madonna put the pre-order up on iTunes with an immediate 6 song download. The album includes songs Madonna wrote and produced with the help of Diplo, Avicii and Kanye West.
I found that a lot of the songs I didn’t like the first go-round, started to grow on me a bit more when I listened more. This is a pop and dance album so it has some good beats.
Order on iTunes :
I participated in the Madonna Rebel Heart album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided an album to review but all opinions are my own.