Friday I left work early and headed up to Windsor Locks to catch my flights to Orlando (by way of Baltimore). The ride up kind of stunk, but it is probably because I am used to driving up to the airport at 2am and not 2pm! I haven’t flown in the evening in quite some time (well, maybe last year to Vegas, but, still… it seems more often than not I am on 6am flights!)
When I got to the valet shuttle, I was asked if I was going to Chicago. I did see that all their flights were grounded and the shuttle driver told me that a guy went nuts and set the place on fire and then tried to kill himself – and in the process messed up the whole country.
My first flight went without incident. I landed in Baltimore and headed over to the gate for the 2nd flight, met up with Maribeth and then we grabbed dinner. Our flight was delayed from 8:10 to 8:40 at that point and when we got back to the gate it had gotten pushed back to 9:55!! Then it turned out there was a problem with the plane and it was broken and they had to get us a new one. Fortunately, the new plane for us had just landed so we just had to move to a different gate.
Once we arrived in Florida we headed to the Magical Express check in area and got in line to get on our bus to head to Pop Century. There were several other families with us. Fortunately, Pop ended up being the FIRST stop. Check In was moving very, very slowly and we ended up getting to our room at about 1:45AM.
We decided to skip rope drop for Magic Kingdom on our first day since we wouldn’t be getting much sleep at all!
Next up… our Magic Kingdom day. (Which may or may not end up in several posts. We’ll see how it all works out)
Sorry for no pictures but I promise there will be some to come in the future posts!
I’m going to Disney in December. Can’t wait. Have a good time.
Keep cranking,
Robert the DividendDreamer
I’m sure you will have a great time! I did, despite the abnormal amounts of rain! Check back every Wednesday for a recap!