CD Review: Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve
So Far Away
Rib Cage
Dear One
When You Sleep
Chasing the Moon
Jessie’s Girl
Heart on My Sleeve
Wounded Animal
Sum Of Our Parts
Heart On My Sleeve is the full-length debut album from Mary Lambert. You may know her from Macklemore’s “Same Love” or maybe you’ve heard her single “Secrets” on the radio lately. (I know I have, and I love it!) After Mary found that she had a platform with her success from working with Macklemore, getting nominated for 2 Grammys and releasing an EP – she created a set of goals for herself for the full-length album. They were: 1. Have Fun. 2. Create something catchy. 3. Create something that positively impacts the world (how great is this?) 4. Stay true to yourself 5. Make Money.
The album starts off with the super catchy tune “Secrets” which I often end up with stuck in my head when I hear it on the radio. The rest of the album is a bit slower and not quite as catchy, but still a great listen. I love a lot of these songs, as many of them I can relate to – not thinking that you fit in, etc. And Mary has a beautiful voice. Oh, and if you were wondering, yes Jessie’s Girl IS the cover that you are thinking of!
You can buy the album on the following sites:
Find out more about Mary at her official site:
I participated in the Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own.