September 14, 2013

What To Do When Your Favorite Band Breaks Up?

I did actually just find myself googling that. I’ve had other bands I’ve loved break up or go on hiatus.  SK6ers did their final show in NYC and I was in attendance. But Stephen is still touring as a solo artist so it doesn’t really seem like they are gone.  NSYNC went on hiatus. Although, that was a little different because you always kind of hoped they’d get back and then they just… didn’t. (Until the VMAs for a few seconds, of course)

September 6.  Honor Society made a post on their site saying that it was the end.  They’ll be doing 3 farewell shows in DC, NY and LA.  I won’t be able to make it to any of them.

I’m still not entirely sure how to process this whole thing.  I have so many memories over the past 5 years, I’ve made so many friends that I otherwise wouldn’t have even met if not for this band. Obviously, that will always be with me and no one can take that away.

But part of me keeps thinking I’ll wake up and it’ll all just be a joke and they’re still going to keep doing shows.  It’s hard to think that March was my last Honor Society show. It didn’t feel like it was the last. I’m never going to see them again. (Well, I may if they all do their own separate things) It’s just really tough to process.

I’ve been sitting on this post for over a week trying to make it thoughtful and heart felt but I still can’t quite find the words.  I went through all my photos of all my 37 shows to find my pics with the guys.  They’re in the gallery below. There’s a lot of them. My pictures made me cry. I feel funny for crying because they’re not dead, they still exist, but just won’t in the form that I knew them as anymore. But it feels like a part of my heart is broken.

And I still don’t know the answer to my question.  What do you do?


Book Review: The Social Employee

The Social Employee is a book about How Great Companies Make Social Media Work.

In 2013, using social media can be a great advantage. The book really has a lot of great ideas on how the Social Employee can help better the social brand by forming those relationships, engaging customers, etc.

It can be scary on diving right in to social media with your brand – but you have to change with the times and shouldn’t let the fear of the unknown stop you.  Social media, like technology, is constantly changing.  Just try to keep up with it and things should be ok!

While I’m not really a business and I certainly have no employees I do know about the power of social media which is why I try to get all my blog posts out on Twitter and Facebook.  Are there plenty other networks I am completely missing the mark on? Of course.  But I am only one person and for me it doesn’t make sense to hire someone to oversee this type of activity (especially since I don’t make money on my blog) but for larger corporations it would be incredibly valuable to hire someone to oversee this type of thing. It brings customer service and interaction to an entirely new level.

Certainly a very interesting read and something that I think any business trying to make it in this social era should be checking out to see how they can improve their social presence.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review,  I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

As social media continues to grow in complexity, no public space is more important than the digital frontier. The social employee – the front-line worker who has been entrusted to be a highly visible brand ambassador – can offer a window into a brand’s soul, driving a brand’s reputation to new heights through rich engagement and authentic representation.

THE SOCIAL EMPLOYEE highlights five major innovative companies – Cisco, IBM, AT&T, Southwest, and Dell – that are frontrunners in the space of social branding and engagement, each with a particular strength in social media that brings in clients, strengthens the connection between employee and company, problem-solves, and creates new business opportunities.  These five companies are case studies in creating social culture from the top down, starting at the highest corporate levels and cascading down, to drive employee engagement, brand awareness, and overall profitability.

Mark and Cheryl Burgess, experts in social media branding and marketing, reveal what makes each company unique and how savvy business leaders and marketers can apply it to their own employee culture and media strategy. The brands that focus more on understanding, engaging and remaining relevant to consumers are the ones destined to win the marketing wars.

Embracing change, rewarding loyalty and innovation, inspiring trust and quality, empowering the employee – these are all beneficial byproducts of having Social Employees.

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