Heavenly Hydrangeas is A Practical Guide for the Home Gardener. The book will help you select the right plants and where the plant them in your garden, different species of the flowers that are available, what species to get depending on where you live and what the climate there is, how much sun and shade they need, how big they will grow, how to get the color you want, how to care for them, when to prune them, etc. In addition to including everything you could possible want to know – there are some gorgeous photos of the flowers throughout the book which was my favorite part! (I certainly do not have a green thumb, though I do think that hydrangeas are quite beautiful flowers!)
I did not realize that there were so many different colors and types and specific climates that you had to grow these in. The book is really full of lots of great information and if you have a garden or are considering creating one at your home you probably want to check this out – especially if you want to have Hydrangeas included in the mix! You’ll know exactly what to do and everyone will be envious of your beautiful landscaping!
I also did not realize there were so many different colors and shades of blues and pinks and whites that you could have. If the soil is acidic it can change the color of the flower! Science!
I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
Hydrangeas are booming in popularity as home gardeners appreciate their long season of bloom, ease of maintenance, and dazzling variety of flower colors and forms. This book reveals the best species for landscaping uses and the best varieties for both fresh and dried flower arrangements. Unique in their ability to change flower color depending on soil composition, hydrangeas are the chameleons of the plant world. Color mysteries are cleared up along with recommendations for achieving the best blues, pinks, purples, and whites in the home garden. With more than 250 vivid color photos, the book offers clear and expert advice on planting, pruning, and providing basic care. Learn the best time to cut hydrangeas for fresh bouquets and when and how to harvest them for dried flowers. With single-topic chapters and answers to frequently asked questions, this is a handy and easily accessible guide for both beginning and experienced gardeners.