August 29, 2013

Book Review: Island Dreams

Island Dreams is a photo book with great images of different Islands. So beautiful.  It also has inspirational sayings with each photo to be motivational for you to make your life what you want to make of it.  I can certainly see myself going back to read this book time and time again when I just need to relax and take a moment to myself to think about my choices and where they are leading me and need a moment to center myself again.

It is a short book, under 30 pages so it is easy to read or flip through when you just need a moment to yourself and to pretend you are on a beautiful island!

About the Book

is a Motivational Photography Book created for your inspiration and daily meditation.
DREAM about paradise! RELAX and INDULGE in the beauty of the island world of the Bahamas.

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Book Review: Zebra Stripes go head to toe

 Zebra Stripes Go Head to Toe is a book about squared and stripes to teach young children. There are a lot of images in the book to help show what is a square and/or a stripe as well as some poems and key words to help children learn.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

This little book shows children / That squares are here and there. / And if they keep an eye out, / then stripes are everywhere.

A perfect companion to Ladybugs Have Lots of Spots, the fun, simple text and vibrant design of Zebra Stripes Go Head to Toeexplore the concept of squares and stripes. Using words such as “cube,” “block,” “line,” and “band,” short poems encourage readers to spot the similarities (and differences) between the shapes of the stripes on a zebra and a colored striped sock, for example, or between a square soda cracker and cubes of cheese.

Whether paired with Ladybugs Have Lots of Spots or read independently, this innovative book is a great way to introduce the concept of shapes to young children.

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