The Vietnam War is Profile #5 in the Scholastic Book series. It is geared towards school aged kids and tells the story of the Vietnam war based on 6 people who played a role in the war.
Those players are: Ngo Dihn Diem, John F. Kennedy, Ho Chi Minh, Lyndon B. Johnson, William Westmoreland and Hennry Kissinger.
Since History has never really been my strong suit, I enjoyed reading this book that was written for kids because everything was easy for me to understand. If only all history lessons could be so easy for me to understand!
The reason I chose to read this book was because my uncle was killed in this war and I am always interested to read more about it. Many, many Americans died in this war.
I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. Iwas not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
It takes more than one person to bring about War. This book will follow the lives of six key players during one of the most controversial wars in history.
Profiles is so much more than just your typical biography. The next book in our six-in-one, full-color bio series will focus on the five W’s of the Vietnam War–who, what, where, when, and why. Kids will learn all of the biographical information they need to know (background, family, education, accomplishments, etc.) about: Ho Chi Minh (prime minister of Democratic Republic of Vietnam) John F. Kennedy (US president 1961-1963), Lyndon B. Johnson (US president (1963-1969), Ngo Dinh Diem (president of South Vietnam), Henry Kissinger (US National security advisor), and William Westmoreland (US army general). This book will help illuminate one of the most controversial wars in American history for a new generation of readers.