Vegas Trip: Hanson at Fremont Country Club

We took the bus to Fremont Street and got to the venue about 30 minutes after the doors and were escorted to a side entrance. We went by the soundbooth and I could see even seated for most of the show, but had to stand for my current favorite song, Juliet.  I even got a new song to add to my list performed that night – Happy Together! And zac’s solo was Broken Angel which is another one of my favorites and a nice surprise.

I also got to see my friends Natalie and Krystal that I don’t get to see that often, so that was great!  During the show Zac mentioned Boyz II Men and said that they had their own show that night and they couldn’t make it to the Hanson show, but he had us record a Vine for Shawn saying that we missed him.

The show ended at 10 and we went back to Fremont Street to check things out.  At 11 we saw the Fremont St Experience show which was on the ceiling to songs by The Doors.

Then we hopped the bus back to our hotel on the strip and crashed.

Fired Up
Ive Got Soul
Wheres The Love
Scream and Be Free
This Time Around
Minute Without You
In The City

On and On
Strong Enough To Break
Being Me (I solo)
Broken Angel (Z solo)
Save Me (T solo)

Crazy Beautiful
Happy Together
Waiting For This
Watch Over Me
You Cant Stop Us
Tragic Symphony
Thinking Bout Somethin
Get The Girl Back
If Only

Something Going Round

(Another) Crazy Hanson Weekend

Typically I write one post per concert, but I also have a “rule” to try to write about one show before the next one happens. And I failed miserably at that this weekend.  In my defense, I was all over the east coast “touring” with Hanson. Our weekend kicked off on Friday when I stayed up waiting for Maribeth to get in from PA.  She took the train up because our last show was back in PA so we didn’t want to both have to drive down there following each other. But her train hit something and she had to switch and ended up being delayed an hour.

Saturday morning we headed up to Boston.  We knew it would be crazy because there was a Red Sox game right across the street at basically the same time, but what we didn’t realize is that it was ALSO move in weekend for Boston University! Crazy!  We took the T in so I didn’t have to drive in Boston and that worked out well. We stopped to eat at Bertucci’s and were asked if we were moving in – I guess we looked like we were still in college? I’ll take it!  When it was time for doors we were escorted to the 3rd floor for ADA seating and had basically the same seats we had for the last time Hanson played there which was awesome! (Not awesome was before the encore the woman working there said “It’s the end of the night I need to take the chairs back” and so I had to stand for the encore. Why are you taking chairs away from handicapped people who asked for them for what I’m assuming was good reason? So strange.)

Highlights from the Boston show…  Each of the guys did a solo (LOVE when they do this because you often hear songs you would not otherwise hear and it’s just them out there on stage alone) and after Zac left and Taylor took the stage, Taylor talked about how great Zac was and how he could play a bunch of instruments and was the youngest Grammy nom for song writing and he performed at the Grammys when he was 11 and it was really sweet.  Not sure what provoked it, but I’ll take it.  There were a few songs we were hoping to hear but didn’t, and a few we were hoping to not hear, but did.  Our only hope was also that they’d mix the setlist up for the next 2 nights and we’d hear what we wanted the next couple of nights.

Sunday morning we headed to NJ to pick up our friend Marisa and were off to Long Island.  We had intended on going to do The Walk with Hanson (I was going to work the table and they would walk) but unfortunately we didn’t time things right and were pulling up in to a parking spot just as the guys and the walk were walking by. We went to get dinner and then got ready to get in line for the show.  We had Loge seats but when we got in line they told us we could find the elevator to the right and the staff member operating it said we could go to the ADA section which was “really close to the stage”, when we said we had seats he still encouraged us to go to the ADA section and we were basically 2nd row Isaac’s side.  What an amazing ADA section!

Highlights of this show… are that they played almost every song that we were wanting after the Boston show. Do they have us bugged?  Also, before Isaac’s solo he was going on and on about the walks and how people talked to him about not having a solo song and he really was talking for quite a while.  Zac ended up coming on stage and pointed to his wrist and told him to hurry it up. Ha.  Then at one point, Taylor turned to Zac and mouthed something that I couldn’t make out and then it seemed like they all started playing Tragic Symphony (another we wanted to hear) and then everything stopped and Zac said Taylor said something to him but he didn’t really know what. I guess they were going to skip Tragic Symphony and do Thinking Bout Somethin instead but they all weren’t clued in to that!  It was neat to see because I feel like that is something that doesn’t usually happen – but it made them seem more real.

We checked out the bus situation afterwards but it didn’t seem promising so we headed home to get some sleep before the trek to PA on Monday.

Monday we made it to the Sands Bethlehem in time for the walk. Marisa and Maribeth were going take it while I hung out and did who knows what, but last second we grabbed the wheelchair and had Maribeth push me.  Everyone walked SO fast there would have been no way I could have done it without help!  We walked around the old steel mills which was really cool and I am pretty sure I took more photos of the surroundings than of Hanson. For each person who did the walk $1 would be donated to the Take the Walk campaign.  I chose to have my $1 go towards clean water.  Also, for each ticket sold on the tour, $1 would go to the campaign as well.

Doors were supposed to be at 5, but they started letting people in at 4. We ended up waiting in the lobby for a while and then went to the ADA seating area. I debated going up closer (the place was not very packed at all) but ultimately stayed in the back the whole time.  At this show, Zac’s solo was Call Out My Name which we had been discussing just that morning and hoped it would be a solo. (Really, am I bugged?) Isaac did For Your Love for the 3rd time in 3 nights – but honestly I think I’d rather hear that than a lot of his other songs he’s done as solo in the past. Taylor did Kiss Me When You Come Home which was a pleasant surprise.  They also ended up doing Tragic Symphony for real at this show (only the 2nd time I’ve heard it live!)

After the show we snagged a spot by the bus, Zac came out first but apparently my camera got messed up during  the walk and said “recording” instead of taking a photo even though it wasn’t on video mode.  He said he’d come back once I fixed it. He got like 5 ppl down and we called out to him but he kept going. We had hoped he’d loop back after he did the whole line to get us, but must’ve forgotten and we weren’t able to catch his attention.  Isaac also came out and by that point everything was fixed so we did get pictures with him.  He told us Taylor would not be coming out that he was “very tired”  Fortunately they had the next day off so hopefully they can rest up and be good to go for the next run of shows!

I won’t be seeing them until Vegas in a couple of weeks – but I am hoping they add some covers in by then. Isaac said we can expect the show to be very different by November when we do another weekend of shows.




Mixtape Festival Day 1

For Day 1 of Mixtape Festival we did Silver VIP because it was HANSON day.  At 1pm we were treated to a “meet and mingle” BBQ where we were told some of the artists might show up.  In hopes that Hanson would be there, we were ready to go at 1.  We got our food, which was really good and ate it and then just kind of hung out because Hanson’s acoustic performance wasn’t until 3:00.

One of the photographers came by and said that One Republic, Hanson and Gavin DeGraw would be coming out before 3 to see us.  We heard the photographers talking and they were going to do candid shots and shots of us as a table w/ the artists.  The first to arrive were One Republic and The Script. They had them start on opposite sides of the picnic tables so we got The Script s the 2nd table. They all came around and shook everyone’s hand and were super nice.  It was REALLY hot and they all had on long pants and were just not dressed for the temps and they said that they were told it was going to be inside and Danny said “I’m melting like a snowman in hell!” (which he later said on stage too lol)

Then Hanson came and I kind of waved and Zac came over so they started with our table.  It seriously felt like we talked to them FOR-EV-ER.  I had the chance to get my CD cover signed (and a “fight” with Zac over using his black pen to sign the inside white pages or use my silver pen to sign the cover!) by all 3 of them, chatted with them about BBQ, Rollercoasters and tour which led into a chat about setlist databases which is actually what I’ve been coding for my hanson fan site ( for the past year or so, so I got to tell Isaac about that!  Then we did our table photo (really can’t wait to see the 2 photos!!) and they made their way around.

We decided we’d rather get a spot in the VIP tent for the acoustic Hanson performance than hang around for One Republic or Gavin (who I think did eventually make his way out there) and got a spot on the barricade (it was separated for Gold and Silver VIP) and they did 6 or 7 songs.

We hung out in the VIP tent for a while and headed over when Serena Ryder had already taken the stage.  I liked how she mentioned who she was after almost every song because she knew that people were still filing in to the stadium.  It always makes me crazy when people NEVER say who they are!  She has a new album coming out soon and had a lot of really fun songs!

Then it was time for Hanson! Taylor seemed to be running around the stage a bit more than usual – which was a plus.  They had a pretty solid setlist too.  The only downside was where our seats were, Taylor was blocking Zac for most of the show.  I got super excited when Zac came over to the keys to play Juliet… but a photographer decided that she REALLY, REALLY wanted to get my photo and was taking pics of me nearly the whole song which was super awkward. I don’t even remember what outlet she was with so if you see me out there somewhere… let me know lol

Gavin DeGraw was up next and he always puts on a great show. He has such great stage presence.  I did snap a photo of his setlist before he started but it’s been such a hectic (but fun!) weekend, I didnt have time to upload any photos yet so that info is still-to-come.  He had Ryan from One Republic come out and sing a song with him too.

Next up was The Script who I was excited to see because they were the only act from the day that I had not yet saw!  Danny was absolutely nuts going in the crowd, running all over the stage, climbing over all sorts of things and I loved it. He tried to make everyone feel closer by going in the stands which was awesome. (Gavin went in the crowd as well.) I also snapped a pic of their setlist so that is coming at some point as well!

Then it was time for One Republic. It is crazy how many freaking hits they have and how they can make nearly an entire setlist out of them (and probably then some!) Ryan said that he, Danny and Gavin (who are all on tour together) have all been having throat issues and 2 days ago he had no voice at all so he’d be drinking tea throughout the show.  He teased that they all hired the guy who worked with Milli Vinilli for their recorded tracks and then made it sound like his track was skipping!

Then it was time for the headliners, Train, who I was least excited to see.  We made a deal to stay for 3 songs and then head into the VIP Tent for the afterparty that Hanson was hosting.  The VIP tent had a feed piped in of the show so we did get to see most of it and I was not too happy with our decision to leave when Train brought up EVERYONE from the day to sing “The Weight” and Zac was right by where our seats were! Oh well, live and learn – we’d not be leaving early night 2 !

The after party was interesting.  Zac came out and danced around which really got everyone going nuts.  Then Taylor came out to do a guest DJ set and unfortunately it seemed to really fall flat.  Everyone stopped dancing, no one knew what he was playing and in order to try and redeem him, Zac came back and then actually went dancing through the crowd and seriously had to have danced with everyone there (yes, even us!)  It was great!  Ryan Tedder came in for a while and then one of the guys from MKTO (i think?) came in and when it seemed like Hanson was done for the night we decided we were too since we had to be back early for broom ball!

More posts about the weekend coming soon – hopefully with some photos but we’ll see what i have time to do 🙂


Hanson ANTHEM Release Party

Night 2 of the New York City shows was the ANTHEM Release party.  The album was finally released that day.  They said that this show would focus more on the new album, and although there were rumors that they would play it in its entirety, they did skip playing 2 of the songs.  My “goal” is always to hear every song of the album at least once.  This is a fun thing to do – and it was “ruined” by 5 of 5 the last time they released an album because they did Shout It Out top to bottom before it was released during that week.  Going to several more shows on their upcoming fall tour I was hoping to have some rarities to look forward to and going into the show there were 3 songs I had yet to hear live.  They ended up doing all 3. I’ll have to come up with some new goal now, but I am also fairly certain I was at the first show they performed each of the songs at from Jamaica in January til now.  I’ll have to double check to be sure.

Much like the first night, around 8pm they started piping in the new album over the PA system and the guys hit the stage at about 9:15.  This show was also being aired on AXS TV (and apparently went an hour over and of course I didn’t think to set the DVR longer!)

They kicked off the set with the first song off the album – Fired Up.  (This works great as an opening number and not so great as a closing number like they did in Delaware a few weeks back) Then they went in to In The City which was appropriate because we were after all, in the city.  They did a really good job of mixing up the new and the old I thought as well, kind of alternating but not really messing with the overall flow of the show.  They kept commenting about now that they have 6 albums putting set lists together is a lot harder.  I hope they mix things up a LOT on tour.  It’ll keep me on my toes with my Hanson site and it’ll also make things more fun since we’re going to so many shows.

They pulled out a couple of rare songs – Save Me which aside from 5 of 5 and Saturday’s show I’d only heard once before.  On and On from the Members EP was back and quite a treat (though I’d kind of rather they do anything but that song from the EP because that one is probably my least favorite of them haha)  They also did Change In My Life acapella – which was great except for the fact that everyone kept “sshhhing” everyone around them and at one point even Taylor put a finger to his mouth to shush people.  You can’t settle down for ONE song people?

All of Taylor’s kids were up in the balcony rocking out during the show (with the exception of his youngest son who fell asleep early on on grandma’s lap, and baby daughter who was probably also off somewhere sleeping) and they were incredibly entertaining and adorable.

Despite the drama, a fun 2 days, but let’s just hope they never play that venue again.

Fired Up
In The City
I’ve Got Soul
Where’s The Love
This Time Around
Scream and Be Free
You Can’t Stop Us
Save Me
On and On
Change in My Life
Watch Over Me
Lost Without You
Minute Without You
Waiting For This
Penny and Me
Something Going Round
Thinking Bout Somethin
Cut Right Through Me
Give a Little
If Only
Get The Girl Back
For Your Love
Crazy Beautiful
Already Home

Hanson 21st Birthday Show

Monday night Hanson performed night 1 of 2 at Irving Plaza in New York City to celebrate the bands 21st birthday.  Doors were at 7 and there was no opener.  Hanson was not scheduled to take the stage until 9pm.  From about 8-9 they played the new album ANTHEM that would be coming out the next day over the PA system.  They had some special merch as well – a t-shirt and a poster commemorating the 2 day event.  They ended up hitting the stage at about 9:15 and opened with Thinking of You – the first song of their debut album.  They then ended up doing the first song off each of their 6 albums – something I didn’t pick up on until a friend mentioned it to me at the end of the show. They also threw in a few rarer songs that they haven’t done I a while like Dying To Be Alive, Lucy and When You’re Gone.  (I think I had previously only seen Lucy live twice).  This show was supposed to span the whole 21 years of their career so the setlist was more varied with a bit less from the new album, since Tuesday night would be all about the ANTHEM release.

This review would be longer but it was kind of a bad night (I’ve debated getting into it here and at this time I am not going to) so I’ve blocked most of the show from my mind, unfortunately 🙁  No fault of Hanson’s at all… but hopefully when they come back to NYC it will be to a different venue.


Thinking Of You
You Never Know
Strong Enough To Break
Great Divide
Waiting For This
Fired Up

Dying To Be Alive
This Time Around
When You’re Gone
I Will Come To You

Something Going Round
Ive Got Soul
Where’s The Love
Minute Without You
Penny and Me
And I Waited
Thinking Bout Somethin
If Only
Get The Girl Back
You Can’t Stop Us

Scream and Be Free
Been There Before

Hanson in Silver Springs, MD

Saturday night was my 82nd Hanson Show.  We got to the Fillmore in Silver Springs Maryland shortly after doors had opened and got a spot up in the handicapped area of the balcony.  There were 2 opening acts – Honor By August and Parachute.  I have to say, I think this was the best 1-2 punch of Hanson openers in a long, long time. If ever.  Both of the bands were really great and it was easy to get pumped for Hanson.

With 2 big shows in NYC coming up, it seemed like for this show they were trying some new things out so it will be interesting to see what ends up happening.  They did several songs off the new album, ANTHEM – including Juliet and Tragic Symphony which I had not yet heard live.  (I have only 3 songs off this album now I havent heard live and it is not even out yet!)  They did a few songs where they just transitioned from one into another which was pretty neat and they even did one of the new Members Only EP songs – On and On that was debuted in Tulsa last month.

Highlights include: On and On where Zac and Tay were on guitar and Isaac on percussion, Change In My Life that was done acapella around 1 mic, Juliet where Taylor was on the drums…

The encore was a little bit weird. We were hoping for If Only but instead got This Time Around (one that we’re not all that fond of) and a girl jumped on stage and went to grab Taylor.  I think this is the 3rd time I have seen that happen at a show and I know it’s happened multiple other times as well.  Contain yourselves, ladies!  And then they did Save Me.  I have only heard this song a couple of times previous so it was definitely a nice surprise, but a bit strange to end the show on.

After the show we parked right by where they were having everyone line up to see the guys after the show.  For a while I thought that they were not going to come out, but much to my surprise all 3 of them did and the crowd was pretty calm and we were able to get photos with all 3 of them!  The downside – we didn’t get back home until 3:30am but I think that was a fair trade off.

Relaxing now before the road trip continues to NJ/NY…

Fired up
In the city
I’ve got soul
Where’s the love
Already home
You can’t stop us now
Been there before
On and on
Change in my life
Scream and be free
Waiting for this
Minute without you
Crazy beautiful
Penny and me
Tragic Symphony
Thinking bout somethin
Give a little
Get the girl back
Somethin going round

This time around
Save me 20th Birthday Party

Wednesday night I was able to attend the 20th birthday party. was giving away 50 tickets to fans since they would be performing.  We had no idea what to expect – we knew it would be a fancy charity event but other than that knew nothing.  We arrived at the Hammerstein Ballroom, checked in and were ushered upstairs to the balcony to grab a seat.  Sitting near us was the PS22 Chorus and they were all really getting into the songs the DJ was playing!  PS22 ended up leaving to go get ready to perform and they opened the show with some songs from 20 years ago – Goo Goo Dolls Iris and Oasis Wonderwall.  Then they went into MMMBop and Hanson joined them on stage.  (Not quite 20 years old yet… but getting three!)  Hanson ended up playing MMMBop and their new single Get The Girl Back.

We weren’t sure if that would be it or not, so we stuck around.  Isaac, Taylor and Zac were at one of the gala tables eating so we figured as long as they were still around, we might as well stick around.  I learned a lot about DoSomething and they really are a great organization and encourage teens to start their own campaigns to help others and many of them have been very successful.  One of them is “give a spit about cancer” and they brought a girl up who registered to be in the bone marrow system and saved a 5 year old girls life.  They had a video from her family that was very touching.

The CEO and COO (I think that’s their titles) of Do Something were also in a dunk tank by the end of the night.  It started out that if they raised $1mil that Nancy would be dunked, but Aria ended up saying that if they raised I think $10k more, she would be in the dunk tank too – without a change of clothed.  They added a HUGE cooler full of ice and both ended up soaked to end the evening.  Then there was a big dance party and Hanson hung around and chatted with everyone.

Overall, it was a very interesting night, but very inspirational and fun.  Not something I probably would have found myself involved in otherwise, but I am glad I went.

Hanson at the Wilmington Flower Market

Saturday, Hanson would be returning to the Wilmington Flower Market in Wilmington, DE.  I had been planning to go for quite some time but as the date got closer, thunderstorms were in the forecast.  I figured I’d give it a go – even though I’d be driving roughly 6+ hours to see maybe a 1 hour set that might end up being canceled due to weather.  As time got closer we also found out they’d be doing a meet and greet after the show so I figured I’d still make the trek.

I got there around 3pm and was told by my friend who had been there for a while that Hanson had just arrived as well.  When I made it to the stage, they hopped on stage to do a quick soundcheck – what perfect timing! And the weather was beautiful, maybe even a little bit too hot and it looked like the storms had moved on.

Then everything got delayed by about a half an hour moving forward. Me & This Army who were supposed to hit the stage at 4, ended up starting at 4:30.  Free Energy were supposed to start at 5, ended up starting around 5:30 and the rain began a little bit into their set.  I threw my phone and camera in a plastic bag to try and keep it safe and put on my raincoat.  Fortunately, it wasn’t a heavy rain and there was no sign of thunder or lightning.

Before Hanson took the stage, the radio personalities called up a girl and her boyfriend to the stage (this can only mean one thing) he asked her about her Hanson tattoo and she said how a lot of fans had tattoos.  Then it was time for her boyfriend to take the mic – and of course – he asked her to marry him.  She said yes!  And then they got congratulations from Hanson and the radio personality yelled “WHERES THE LOVE?” and so Hanson started their set with Where’s the Love.  The setlist was an interesting mix – but seemed to be more focused on songs from 2004. (Interestingly enough, that was when they had last appeared at the Flower Market.)  They did a few new songs – I’ve Got Soul, Cut Right Through Me, Get The Girl Back and Fired Up and of course the singles – in addition to Where’s The Love they also did Thinking Bout Something, Penny and Me, This  Time Around and of course, MMMBop.  And for some extra filler, Been There Before which they had us sing along on and Get Up And Go.

Even though we were getting rained on the show was a lot of fun!  Afterwards we got in line for the meet and greet.  We knew it would be getting cut off – either when they ran out of photos to sign or when the park closed.  The park was supposed to close at 8pm because it would be dark.  8 o’clock came and went and they were still going so we thought we had a chance, but at 8:15 they shut everything down because the park was closing.  It was frustrating that it wasn’t more organized and many left without getting to see the guys.  They were signing AND doing photos and I think if they just signed things would have moved much quicker and they could have got through more people that way.  (And everyone looked like drowned rats anyway so the pictures probably aren’t too glamorous)

We did all end up in Taylor’s photo that was used as the final photo of the photo a day in celebration of their 20th year. The band is now 21 years old! (Taylor also was taking pics of me through a car window which was kind of funny because I am sure I have done that to them many times!)

Overall I am glad I got to go, it was a lot of fun and I got to see some friends I haven’t seen in a while 🙂 (Though more of them were supposed to come and ended up not due to various reasons!) Hanson show #79 was a (soggy) success!


Wheres The Love
Ive Got Soul
Thinking Bout Somethin
Been There Before
Crazy Beautiful
Get Up and Go
Cut Right Through Me
Penny and Me
This Time Around
Get The Girl Back
Fired Up

Hanson Tulsa Members Only Event

Over the weekend I made my yearly trip to Tulsa, OK for the Hanson Members Only Event weekend.  More details on some of the other weekend activities will come in the next few days, but for now I will just focus on the event planning of the weekend – the Members Only Event concert!

Due to the popularity of the event and Hanson’s wanting to keep things a bit more intimate, they did 2 sessions.  One at 2pm and one at 7pm.  We were in the 7pm session.  Typically what happens is we receive our new Members Kit (a yearly EP given out to only fan club members) and then they premiere the songs live.  Except this year they have been busy working on their new album ANTHEM and the promotion that comes with that so the EP was not ready – but we found out that we were in for a treat!  They would be recording the EP live and each of the 5 songs had a part for us to sing or repeat so that we would all be on the EP too.

They started the concert with 6 songs from the new album, ANTHEM.  Most of these I had heard at the iHeartRadio concert last month – but one – Scream and Be Free – we all had stuck in our heads because our friend Erin decided to sing one part of it – over and over and over because it was all she knew.  When they started playing it we turned around and laughed at her because – well, maybe that would have helped us get it unstuck from our heads. (No such luck though as I’ve now been humming/singing it for the last 3 days – just the same part over and over lol)

After the album songs they reset the stage and did the 5 songs from the EP and taught us our parts before each song.  We had to sing “on and on” for the first song, appropriately titled On and On, with Taylor in response to Zac’s singing the chorus.  I don’t remember all of our parts but for Roller Coaster Love Zac and Taylor BOTH played drums (2 drum sets!) and we had to yell “COASTER!”  For I think it was Best of Times they told us to sing one part and then once the song started they sang a different word so that threw us off a bit…

After the songs they did a Q&A session and then Isaac said they’d be back to do some more.  They ended up singing Sound of Light for a second time – I’m not sure why, I guess they wanted something to sound different.  And then they did our FAVORITE – You Can’t Stop Us Now which was a great way to end the night!

Once the show was over we hung out and met up with all our friends and did pictures and then we waited for the guys to come out. We ended up missing a photo with Isaac but got one with Zac and Taylor so I’d say it was overall a successful 78th show 🙂

Fired Up
I’ve Got Soul
Cut Right Through Me
Scream And Be Free
Get The Girl Back
Already Home
On and On
Call Out My Name
Roller Coaster Love
Best Of Times
Sound Of Light
Sound Of Light
You Can’t Stop Us Now

Hanson at iHeartRadio Theater


Last week, Hanson had announced they would be doing a private show in New York City for about 200 people and the only way to get in was to WIN.  I knew that I had to find every contest that there was out there to enter, but it turned out that ClearChannel reached out to ME because I run a Hanson site ( and asked if I would like to attend!  Of course, I said yes.

The show was set to kick off at 7pm and stream live on iHeartRadio’s website.  We got there a little before 6 and shortly after were let inside.  Over the loud speakers they were playing Hanson’s new album – ANTHEM – which will not be out until June!  As much as I wanted to pay attention to all of the songs, the place was loud and it wasn’t that easy to actually enjoy the album in it’s entirety but from what I did hear, it is going to be their best album yet.

Z100’s Eric America introduced the band and shortly after there were Isaac, Taylor and Zac on stage – in suits!  They never have really “matched” on stage before and they looked sharp!  I’m not sure if this is going to make its way to the tour though because Taylor was absolutely dripping in sweat and even commented that this is why he never wears suits on stage.   They did a set of 11 songs, 6 of which were new songs from ANTHEM (although only 2 were new to me because they did premiere a couple for us in Jamaica in January.)

They kicked off the concert with the new song “Fired Up” and I think it was a great start to the show, even though most of us didn’t know all the words yet. (I say yet because they did a live stream a couple of nights ago where they performed the song, so we weren’t all completely unaware of it.)  The second song was I’ve Got Soul which was new for everyone, I don’t remember anything specifically about it – but it was good.  Then they did the new single, Get The Girl Back and Taylor made a comment about how we know it now.  (Get The Girl Back is available on iTunes for $1.29 – which includes the song AND the video which features cameos by Nikki Reed, Kat Dennings, Drew Seeley and Drake Bell…)

Get The Girl Back had been stuck in my head since the video premiered and this performance did nothing to help that as I cannot stop singing the “it’s about tiiiiime…” part, constantly.  The next new song they did was Cut Right Through Me which they premiered acoustically on AXS Live earlier in the week.  (They were on TV or streaming almost every day last week and it was far too much for me to keep up  with – but I do have it all on my DVR waiting for me to find some down time!)

Then they went through a few of their older songs – starting with Penny and Me, Thinking Bout Somethin, Give a Little, If Only and MMMBop.  The band is now 21 years old and MMMBop was released 16 years ago!

They ended the night with 2 more new songs – You Can’t Stop Us Now – which was our favorite in Jamaica and still our favorite after hearing it again and ended the night with Already Home which was a great song to end the night with and everyone who watched the stream has been raving about it online!

iHeartRadio will be posting some highlights from the show some time soon at so keep an eye out for that!  The ANTHEM World Tour kicks off June 17 in New York City and will be hitting up South America and then North America so be sure to check out the dates for that (I have a link to them in my sidebar!)  and ANTHEM will be released on June 18th in the US and you can preorder it in a number of different packages on


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