No Sugarland tonight

Tonight I was supposed to go see Sugarland as my first free show with my Ultimate Access Pass.  I also had a Meet & Greet with Danny Gokey.

First, I couldn’t find anyone to go with me (I don’t understand why people turn down a free ticket, but apparently the LOST finale was more important to some people than anything else) and then I ended up with the most massive headache I have ever had in my life. So I popped some Advil, tweeted to Danny Gokey that I hope the show went well but I was sick and then I slept for several hours.  I really had considered going up there alone, but there was noooo way I could drive with my head pounding.

When I woke up I still wasn’t feeling 100%, but I had a DM from Danny saying he hoped I felt better soon.  Awww.  Maybe he’s not so awful after all 😉 

It looks like my first UAP will now be in July with Jack Johnson!

Honor Society 5/2 – Boston House of Blues

When we got to HOB it seemed liked there were a lot of girls there.  But none of them seemed to have wristbands for soundcheck / M&G; and it didn’t make sense that they would already be inside because Honor Society was probably at the very least just making their way over to the venue.  We wandered around a bit and found Kat, who we knew we needed to find to get the wristbands.  Somehow we magically ended in the front of the line for the soundcheck, which was pretty exciting!

It had to have been in the high 80s, if not hotter, while we waited in line.  I’m honestly a bit surprised I am not sunburned.  Finally we were let in about 5pm and they scanned our tickets as well so we knew we would be staying inside.  We made our way to the stage and were in the front row!

The guys came out and did basically the same thing for soundcheck as they had done in New York City.  See U In The Dark, When I Come Home and part of Where Are You Now with a fan on stage with them (Shiloh).  They also answered a few fan questions which is the unrehearsed and fun part of the soundcheck.

Then we all lined up for the meet and greet.  It looked as though some girls opted out of the meet and greet in order to get front row, and I had debated trying to stay from row for the show but I’m pretty sure we made the right decision to get out of the crowd and hang off to the side.

The meet and greet was rushed, so we really didn’t get to say too much more than a quick hello.  Then we made our way to the restroom which was PLASTERED in signs saying there was a stage of emergency and we should not consume tap water.  A water main broke in the city and it affected the drinking water of something like 2 million people. CRAZY!

We grabbed a spot near the outer rail and waited for the show to begin!  Ashlyne Huff was up first, again, and we actually got to see her whole set this time.  I think she is great and her new album is out May 11! I will definitely have to check that out.  (I also have a sampler from the NYC show I will have to listen to as well!)

Next up was Just Kait.  Her drummer had decided since it was so hot he was going to play in only shorts. Which was probably a good idea, I am sure the stage lights are pretty hot, combined with it being in the 80s or hotter outside… I still really couldn’t get into her set.  She seems like a cool girl, but I don’t know, something was missing.  She also liked messing with the crowd – since every time she mentioned “Honor Society” the crowd would scream.

Then it was time for the main event, Honor Society! I had said I was going to take it easy, since my throat was sore and my voice was getting scratchy, but I just couldn’t contain myself when they came out to “Rock With You”  I decided to only “sing” along (as loud as I could haha) and not do any screams after/during songs or anything like that because those screams hurt the worst.

We were hoping for This Bed Is An Ocean again – especially after the teaser of a couple of old school songs, but they didn’t do it 🙁

I am also pretty sure Mike spotted us early on, because he was looking our way a lot!  Apparently Andy also noticed and pointed at us – twice – and somehow I missed it both times.  I wonder where I was looking? 😉

After the show (which was my 25th!) we opted to skip the merch M&G; and go directly home.  On the way home, my car appropriately hit 25,000 miles!  Now it’s time to schedule some maintenance for it! 

I will try to make a week in review photo post in the next couple of days!

Rock With You
See U In The Dark
Here Comes Trouble
Two Rebels
Can’t Box Me In
My Own Way
Acoustic Medley
When I Get Home
Where Are You Now
Sing For You
Don’t Close The Book
Nobody Has To Know
Heartache In The Suburbs / No Win Situation teaser
Over You
Full Moon Crazy

Honor Society 5/2 – Boston, MA – Hot Topic

Sunday night was my 7th show in 7 days (or 8th show in 9 days!)  I had never done that many in a row before (and I’m not sure I will ever do it again!) and my throat was killing me, my voice was going in and out and my legs were shaky – and this was all before leaving my house!

First up on our agenda was to head to the Natick Mall to Hot Topic to meet Honor Society.  When I got to Lauren’s I went to plug in the GPS, only to find that the car adapter had completely fallen apart.  It had some battery power but we weren’t sure how much and we really knew nothing about where we were going.  While I started driving north, Lauren went digging around in the car for pieces and somehow managed to put it back together.  (Well, almost! There were a couple of extra pieces – but it WORKED and that was all that mattered)

The signing at the mall was to start at 3pm and we got to the mall around 1pm.  It was HUGE and it was getting hotter outside by the second.  We went by and saw there was 1 girl in line – who actually recognized us as being CT fans and saw us at the train station last week.  We decided to go to Friendly’s.  Whenever I go to a Friendly’s they are always slow as anything, and it was no exception.  It appeared they were very short staffed and we waited to be seated.  Once we were seated, the manager came over to serve us and we did get our food pretty quickly.  However we waited an extra half an hour for our check – finally we were able to catch a waiter’s attention and get out of there and back in line.

When we got back over to Hot Topic there were maybe 50 people in front of us.  We were nervous because we had soundcheck at the show and it was 30 minutes away and check in began at 3:15.  We had no idea if we would make it.  Pretty promptly at 3pm the line started moving.  I had my Fashionably Late CD for them to sign and Lauren had her version of our 2008 scrapbook. (I had gotten mine signed in February of 09)  Jason was first and I said hi and told him how we were trying to make it over to HOB in time for the Soundcheck.  He said we’d all be racing over there and to drive carefully!  Next was Alex and we said hi and then he and Jason were talking about Lauren’s book.  I teased Alex that it was old – from back when he used to sign his WHOLE name on things.  Apparently this got to him, because wouldn’t you know he signed Lauren’s book with “Alexander”? haha

Next up was Andy who spotted I was wearing my I <3 Hanson tshirt.  He asked me if the concerts had happened already and I said yeah, they were Monday through Friday and he asked me how they were.  I told him great and that the new album would be amazing and he said something about how I would be on the movie screaming at the top of my lungs. LOL  How he knew so much without me having said anything, I don't know.  Pretty sure he's secretly on 😉  Mike and I exchanged hellos and I was ushered back through and waited for Lauren to make her way through the line. We went back to the car and it said it was 102°! CRAZY!  It probably wasn’t that hot outside, but since the car was roasting in the parking spot its temperature rose.  While in line we debated taking the T in or driving straight in to Boston.  I had always taken the T in the past, but since we didn’t have much time we decided to just drive straight in to Boston (eek!) We made it to the HOB about 4pm. More details on that later!

Jordin Sparks 5/1

Tonight Jordin Sparks played in the Wolf’s Den at Mohegan Sun to kick off her Battlefield Tour!  I had won through Mohegan Sun’s twitter an “All Access Pass” – which made the night amazing!

We got there early and sat down to play some slots.  When I put my card in, it told me I had a $15 slot bonus to play!  I played the first $5 and Lauren still hadn’t played her $5 so then I played a second $5 as well.  Then we decided we weren’t having any luck so we would go up to the hotel lobby where we were told to wait for more information on the meet and greet.

While we were waiting for 6:15 to roll around, we saw Jordin and her bodyguard and some of her staff walk by us!  Then we met up with Michelle, who had our GIANT passes for us.  First we stopped to see the line for her autograph singing and were informed we would have a private meet and greet and then we’d get to watch Jordin film a youtube video.

Michelle then escorted us to the backstage area of the wolf’s den which was SO cool.  We got to sneak a peak out from the stage and see what it would be like if we were the drummer. We hung around and waited for Jordin to come in.

We introduced ourselves to her and she congratulated us for winning the contest and said she used to try to win things all the time, but never did, so Lauren told her how I win everything and I explained that I don’t usually win money, just concert tickets and stuff like that.  She also said she liked my watch and she was SO nervous for the show!  We kept telling her she would be great and she said we better be singing along because she knew what we were wearing and would be looking for us!  We also took pics with her, a group one and then individual ones (which was her request, so cool) and she signed my CD and almost spelled my name wrong even though I spelled it for her LOL  I’m sure it had been a long day for her though!

Then we sat and watched them film the youtube video.  She actually mentioned us saying she had a couple fans with her now, but we don’t know what is going to make the final cut but I can’t wait to see!

Michelle has our M&G; pics and should get them to me by Monday so I will post them once I get them!  Then we got escorted out to our reserved seats, they weren’t really close, but they were not bad at all – not that the wolf’s den has a bad seat in the house anyway!  Then someone came and gave us 4 $10 drink tickets so we of course used those – first we had a Hansel & Gretel – soo good but strong haha and followed it up with a Willy Wonka which had coffee in the mix as well haha I don’t think I’ve ever had 2 drinks so close together in my life.

Jordin came out a little after 8 and played about an hour set.  Her band/backup/entourage was HUGE especially on such a small stage (3 backup singers and 4 members of the band) but the show was GREAT and you should definitely check it out if she is coming to your town – and chances are she IS because the tour got extended from 15 shows to 35 recently.  Also, she is the sweetest girl ever as well lol

Photos coming soon… setlist under the cut!

Watch You Go
Emergency 911
It Takes More
Don’t Let It Get To Your Head
One Step At A Time
Walking on Snow
No Parade
Young and In Love
No Air

Hanson – 4/30 – Shout It Out

Tonight Hanson played their not yet released studio album, Shout It Out (June 8). Our goal for the night was to be front row behind the sound board and we did it – went from last row monday night to first row Friday 🙂
There was a horns section for the show which pretty much was the best idea ever and I hope they tour with the guys as well because it made it absolutely fantastic!!
A few of the songs I had never heard before, live or otherwise but they were all amazing and I think this album is going to be the best one yet by FAR.
They are so catchy and pop and make you want to dance, they are great! (If only I had a thesaurus)
(Now if only the Yankee fans on the train would stop being so obnoxious so I could concentrate on what went down tonight…)
A cool thing about being near the sound board was that I was right behind the guy who made the decision on redoing songs. I’m not sure how he decided but after they finished give a little and these walls I saw ‘redo’ written on his paper. They also redid me myself and I, probably because Taylor was talking about how it was the longest song he ever played piano for and that there was still another verse lol
Before the encore, we all sang Happy Birthday to ‘mom’ as today is the guys mom’s birthday!
(Apparently there is so much yankee drama the cops will be waiting for the train in New Haven)
Also being near the sound board we saw last night had a potential encore of Never Been To Spain and tonight Gimme Some Lovin. We hoped tonight they’d actually do GSL and they not only played it,but NBTS and shake your tail feather!!
Then as expected they came out to do the re-do songs.
I missed the 1022 train I wanted to catch and now I’m on the 1122 almost home and praying we get le off at the right track (where a moron was waiting to pick someone up blocking all the open handicapped spots. Uh hello? The world doesn’t revolve around you)
Now I’m just hoping this train drama (which I completely missed apparently) is not a huuuge issue with me getting to my stop and leaving… Though I kind of wish I was a witness hahaha
Tomorrow is Jordin Sparks and I won all access seats and a m&g; so that should be fun – and we don’t need to be there until 615 so I can get some sleeep!!
Waiting for this
Thinking bout something
Kiss me when you come home
Carry you there
Give a little
Make it out alive
And I waited
Use me up
These walls
Musical ride
Voice in the chorus
Me myself and I
Never been to spain
Shake a tailfeather
Gimme some lovin
Me myself and I
These Walls
And I waited
Give a little
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Hanson 4/29 – The Walk

Tonight hanson played their 4th studio album, the walk in its entirety.

We had a girl who decided to scream bloody murder throughout the whole show so I decided tonight would be a good night for the ear plugs and they were amazing! It really was just like I turned the volume down on the place but I could still hear the guys singing, the cheers and even make out every word when the guys spoke.

The guys also replayed a few songs, so it made it easy to compare as I went without the ear plugs for the repeats. Definitely love the new ear plugs and for $11 everyone should get a pair!

Tonight was very high energy again and it was nice to hear Fire On the Mountain with the full band, previously I had only heard it as one of Zac’s solos.

I am exhausted and glad yet sad it will all be over tomorrow! Also, for some reason, everyone who walked by and needed to know what we were waiting for decided to ask me! I guess the girls in line all looked 18. Someone also asked if Hanson was those ‘little boys’ I told him they were old now. Some people had no idea what mmmbop was. Must be nice to live under a rock 😉

I also got another set of the 5 posters for a girl who couldnt make it to the shows and I’m a bit fascinated there were still any left if they were ‘limited’ to 150… Hmm maybe they weren’t as popular as I thought they’d be?

Great Divide
Been There Before
Watch Over Me
Running Man
Fire on the Mountain
One More
Blue Sky
Tearing It Down
Something Going Round
Your Illusion
The Walk

One More
Tearing It Down
Something Going Round
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Hanson – 4/28 – Underneath

Tonight Hanson played in its entirety their 3rd album, Underneath (2004).  If you asked me, I would say it was my least favorite album of theirs.  However, it didn’t really occur to me until tonight just how many memories I have associated with the songs on this album.

Being front row in 2003 to the first show of the Underneath Acoustic tour and not knowing any of the words, Zac “dedicating” Broken Angel to me in Canada, being Reporter and getting them to play a whole ton of Underneath songs because they hadn’t been.  All the fun I had saying “HEY” on the off beat.  Rocking out to Lost Without Each Other.  The time Zac fell off his drumstool from headbanging too much. And I’m sure there are many more that didn’t come back to me tonight. (Before this album was released, I had been to 3 concerts. I am now at 44 – and I’ve heard Penny and Me 35 times just to show you how many Underneath-ish shows I have gone to HAHA)

Tonight they were definitely “on.” Way more so than last night.  Almost as much as Monday night. (I’m not sure anything will top the energy of Monday night)  Before the show started, we spotted Taylor’s wife and daughter in the reserved section.  Penelope had on a sequined jacket – for a 5 year old the girl has great fashion sense and I might need her to pick out some outfits for me!  We figured this was because she wanted to hear “Penny & Me” and before Taylor started it he said it was going out to a “special little girl” awww!

I was secretly hoping they would play “Love Somebody to Know”, it’s not on Underneath but it was on Underneath Acoustic.  Somehow, I have never seen this live.  After tonight, I still have never seen this live because they have yet to be “compelled” to perform an encore. Which is fine, but I’d still really like to hear it.  How I missed it on the acoustic tour, I don’t even know.. but I did.

My throat is killing me.  I totally over did it on Lost Without Eachother, but that is my favorite song of theirs (in recent time.) So upbeat, you just want to dance, clap and rock out. And scream, at the top of your lungs in my case I guess haha

A downside to the night was when Zac came out by himself for the encore to sing the bonus track, Lullabelle. It’s a slower, quiet ballad and girls were talking through it.  Not only were they talking through it, they were talking LOUDLY through it! Just LEAVE at that point if you so badly need to talk to your friend – it was the last song.  And I know that Zac absolutely HATES when people talk through his song so I am hoping he couldn’t hear them from the stage – but it was bad enough that someone else felt the need to yell out “SHUT UP” from the crowd.  Totally ruined that moment.

The Walk is up for tomorrow night – can’t wait!  (Although there won’t be any songs I’ve never heard until Friday night’s shows)

Strong Enough To Break
Dancin In The Wind
Penny And Me
Lost Without Each Other
When Youre Gone
Broken Angel
Get Up And Go
Crazy Beautiful


Hanson – 4/27 – This Time Around

Tonight Hanson played in its entirety their sophomore release, This Time Around (2000).

The album is a fan favorite although I don’t think it was very critically acclaimed. It seemed tonight Hanson really didn’t bring their A game. At first I thought I just thought it because my heart was in 2 places at once (here and at the Honor Society show back in CT), but after the show a friend mentioned it without me having said anything about it. So it wasn’t only me who felt that way!

There were rumors of guests showing up – collabs on the cd included Jonny Lang, Rose Stone and John Popper. I didn’t get my hopes up (last nyc special show at Carnegie Hall they hyped it up and it was a letdown with no one) and it was a good thing because nobody showed.

What I forgot was that I don’t like the Isaac songs on this cd. Love Song and Hand In Hand. Though I must say Hand In Hand wasn’t that bad and out of the blue it appeared Isaac had mastered the art of stage presence. I was impressed.

I loved In The City – especially since we were in THE city… And that song is just full of energy.

The best of the night though was the ‘encore’ of Song to Sing. It was just their 3 voices and the piano AND they added in the extra verse! (There is a verse under the cd when you take the cd out of the case which they sometimes include when they sing the song live) I thought that was a great way to end the night. Again no b-sides or non album songs were played, so the show only lasted about an hour.

You Never Know
If Only
This Time Around
Runway Run
Save Me
Dying to be Alive
Can’t Stop
Wish that I was There
Love Song
Sure About It
Hand in Hand
In The City

A Song To Sing
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Hanson – 5of5 – Middle Of Nowhere

Tonight was the first night of Hanson’s 5 night residency at the Gramercy Theater. They played their debut album, Middle of Nowhere (1997) in its entirety.

Although it was obvious what songs were coming next (I have the tracklist memorized, to this day) it was an amazing experience.

The show is being recorded for a dvd release and was being live streamed as well. They had photographers who were taking photos so it was nice to sit back and relax and just take it all in as I went back to my middle school days.

Another nice touch was Zac adding in all the yelling he did on look at you and the harmonies on madeline (I don’t remember him doing that the last time I heard them live)

Also in attendance was Ryan Cabrera! I know he is a fan because when I met him he saw mine or my friends symbol necklace and we talked a bit about Hanson and I think he has covered MMMBop in his sets before.

We left after the encore while they re-did a couple songs for the recording. Merch was limited so we had to go get it! I managed to snag one of each of the limited to 150 posters. (Now I need to make sure I buy a house with a LOT of wall space!) I also got an I heart Hanson shirt and a shirt commemorating the 5 shows. Then I lent all my money to marisa and lauren because, as usual, the stupid credit card machine wasn’t working!

Now I am on the 1122 train home. I plan to blog about all the shows on the way home while they are fresh in my mind – and so that I don’t get too backed up with my updates! (Ps this train is a lot more peaceful than Saturday nights train was!)

Tomorrow night is my favorite album, This Time Around so it should be a great night! (And even greater if I get good seats in the presale!)

Thinking Of You
Where’s The Love
Look At You
I Will Come To You
Minute Without You
With You In Your Dreams
Man From Milwaukee
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Honor Society – Nokia Theatre 4/24/10

Last night was Honor Society’s “hometown” show of their Here Comes Trouble Tour.  Lauren, Christine and I took the 1:05 train into the city and made it to Times Square a little after 3pm.

I had won tickets, so we went to see if we were there but they had told me they wouldn’t have the list until 4:30.  We said hello to some friends and then found a spot in line.  We weren’t sure how we would find out about Soundcheck or Meet & Greet, but eventually a Nokia staff member came by and told us where to go.  My name was on the list for just 1 wristband but we had no problem getting Christine in with me.

We were let in to the venue and picked a spot at the rail in the second section of the Nokia.  They started by singing See U In The Dark, they also sang When I Come Home and Where Are You Now and answered a few fan submitted questions.  They also mentioned HANSON and that they had last been at Nokia when they won a contest to open for them.  I was glad they finally mentioned what band it was and Christine and I screamed for Hanson 😉

After they were done we all had to get lined up for the M&G;, it was incredibly rushed because they had a ton of people to go through, we didn’t have time to say much more than hi to each other.  But Andy told me he would see me later LOL

We went back outside to see about our tickets, but the guest list was still missing. Once it arrived my name was not on the list and we had some communication problems when Honor Society’s manager said there was nothing he could do, so we bought tickets, only to get 2 from HS’s assistant shortly after.  To make up for the mixup she got us merchandise M&G; wristbands to meet the guys after the show.

Christine and I had to get back in line, at this point Lauren was already inside and told us she was trying to win VIP tickets.  We met up with her and spent a really long time trying to win.  You were allowed to use every email address you had, so Christine had one of the girls who were typing in names while Ashley, Lauren and I had another, and the 3rd was working with other people.  Finally, Christine ended up winning with one of her email addresses. But we figured we would win, eventually, since we had pretty much monopolized the girls who were plugging in our information. We got 4 VIP passes and were able to go up to the VIP Balcony area, where there were seats! Yay!

By the time we got in, Ashlyne Huff was already about half way through her set.  Her single “Heart of Gold” was actually on the radio in a commercial a couple weeks ago and I had been trying to google the lyrics but couldn’t find anything.  Of course, I figured it out once she sang it! I am looking forward to her cd coming out on May 11!

Freestyle Steve, Timbaland’s DJ, was spinning in between sets – but it was a lot of rap/hiphop/whatever and that’s not really my thing.  It seemed to keep the girls in the crowd entertained and it did kind of seem to make the time go faster but I would have preferred to have been listening to something else.

Just Kait was out next and I sat against the back wall to keep my energy for when Honor Society would hit the stage.

The set lists were taped down and I took a picture of Jason’s with my super zoom and I was exciting Can’t Box Me In was on the list, but was pretty shocked that Rock With You and See U In The Dark were missing.  When they came out playing Rock With You we were confused.  Apparently the leg of Jason’s keyboard had cut off the first two songs!  I always hate taking pics of the set list in the beginning, because it ruins the surprise, but there was still a surprise! (Usually I take the setlist pic whenever I get the option though because you never know what might happen to it throughout the show lol)

I couldn’t see Alex for almost the whole show, because there was a curtain blocking the back of the stage from our view at the far corner of the balcony.  He came out to sing “Down” and “When I Get Home” so I made it my mission to get a couple good pictures of him – and I ended up with only a couple – the boy looked down for pretty much the entire song!

They brought out Ashlyne and Kait for Don’t Close The Book.  I was bummed I couldn’t see Alex during his solo on Nobody Has To Know (my favorite honor society song).  They closed out the night with Over You and Full Moon Crazy and just looking out in to the crowd to see how big it was compared to my first show at the knitting factory was amazing.  The venue held 2000+, and while it wasn’t sold out, it had to have been pretty close!

A highlight of the night was when Christine went to talk to Johnny Wright and got a bunch of NSYNC gossip from him!  We were all a little bit too excited over that haha.

Setlists for Ashlyne, Kait and Honor Society under the cut!

Ashlyne Huff’s set:
Make it rain
Sweet Nothing
Heart of Gold
Trippin’ It Up

Just Kait’s Set:
Girls World
Love Trying
Paramore Cover
Hot Stuff
Heart Shaped Bruise

Honor Society’s set:
Rock With You
See U In The Dark
Here Comes Trouble
Two Rebels
Can’t Box Me In
My Own Way
Acoustic Medley
When I Get Home
Where Are You Now
Sing For You
Don’t Close The Book
Nobody Has To Know
Over You
Full Moon Crazy

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