November 5, 2010

Rock N Roll Fridays

1. PIANO MAN… “Sing us a song, you’re the piano man, Sing us a song tonight. Well, we’re all in the mood for a melody, And you’ve got us feelin’ alright”
What is your favorite Karaoke song to sing with?

I’m not big on karaoke, but I’m usually willing to do any song I am relatively familiar with.

2. CAPTAIN JACK…”Saturday night and you’re still hangin’ around, Tired of livin’ in your one-horse town. Like to find a little hole in the ground, For a while”
If you grew up in a one-horse town, are you still there, or did you try living somewhere else?

I still live where I grew up, but really want to get out ASAP because it’s not a great place even though everyone else seems to think it is.

3. NEW YORK STATE OF MIND…”It comes down to reality-and it’s fine with me ’cause I’ve let it slide, Don’t care if it’s Chinatown or Riverside, I don’t have any reasons, I’ve left them all behind- I’m in a New York state of mind.”
What is your favorite New York food?

Hmm. Bagels or those ‘nuts for nuts’ you can get on the corner. (Which I am currently not allowed to eat because of my braces. boo)

4. SHE’S ALWAYS A WOMAN TO ME…”But she’ll bring out the best And the worst you can be, Blame it all on yourself, Cause she’s always a woman to me”
Has someone else ever brought out the best or worse in you?
I don’t think so

5. MOVIN OUT…”Workin’ too hard can give you a heart attack ack ack ack ack ack, You oughta know by now. Who needs a house out in Hackensack? Is that what you get for your money?”
What is the most annoying line from a song lyric of all time?
LOL considering my favorite band is Hanson who sings MMMBop which probably has one of the most annoying chorus’ of all time, but I love it, I’m not really sure I can answer this one…

6. ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG…”They say there’s a heaven for those who will wait. Some say it’s better but I say it ain’t. I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints …Sinners are much more fun…”
What would heaven be like for you? A shopping mall? A forest? Mansion? Do tell…
A concert…

7. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE…”Don’t go trying some new fashion, Don’t change the color of your hair. You always have my unspoken passion, Although I might not seem to care…”
Have you ever changed something about yourself to please somebody else?

8. STILL ROCK N ROLL TO ME…”Should I try to be a straight `A’ student?
If you are then you think too much. Don’t you know about the new fashion honey? All you need are looks and a whole lotta money. It’s the next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways , it’s still rock and roll to me…”
What besides “looks and a whole lotta money” would you require in a mate?
A sense of humor and someone who would be supportive of me, no matter what.

9. YOU MAY BE RIGHT…”You may be right, I may be crazy. But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for…”
Do you like bad boys (girls) or good boys (girls)?
I tend to fall for the bad boys. Bad idea…

10. WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE… “Wheel of Fortune, Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide, Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz, Hypodermics on the shores, China’s under martial law, Rock and roller cola wars, I can’t take it anymore”
List 13 things for a Billy Joel verse in this aggravating song…
No thanks.

11. TELL HER ABOUT IT…”Tell her about it. Tell her all your crazy dreams. Let her know you need her, Let her know how much she means…”
Have you told your significant other or dearest family member recently how much
they mean to you?
Probably not.

12. UPTOWN GIRL… “I’m in love with an uptown girl, She’s been living in her white bread world. As long as anyone with hot blood can, And now she’s looking for a downtown man. That’s what I am…”
Have you dated someone above or below your “level”? (richer or poorer). Did you feel comfortable with them?
I don’t think I have.

13. THE LONGEST TIME… “Who knows how much further we’ll go on. Maybe I’ll be sorry when you’re gone. I’ll take my chances, I forgot how nice romance is, I haven’t been there for the longest time”
What is the longest you have gone without a love relationship?
lol what?

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