Would You Rather Wednesday

Thursday March 4
Have permanent cheetos residue on your fingers
Appear as Shemp of the three stooges in all photographs?

Clearly, appear as Shemp. I did sweep the Three Stooges category on Jeopardy a couple months back!

Friday March 5
Have no nipples
11 nipples?

I’m going to go with none. Because 11 seems excessive.

Saturday/Sunday March 6/7
Have hair gums
Ants crawling in your armpits?

I hate all things bugs so hairy gums it is. Just another reason to get more work done in my mouth I guess.

Monday March 8
Have a permanent “Got Milk” Moustache
Have small holes in your cheeks that allow fluids to leak through like a strainer?

I do a good enough job of dripping fluids on myself all by myself (I have a drinking problem) so I am going to go with the Milk Moustache.

Tuesday March 9
Have a reverse digestive tract
condult all written work in the voice of snoop doggy dogg?


Wednesday March 10
Never be allowed to use shampoo
use profanity.

Never be allowed to use profanity. Pretty sure I could live my life without it. Not so sure I could live my life without shampoo!

40 Days of Water – Journal

I am going by the Lenten Calendar for my 40 days of Water, sort of. (Sundays are not counted in the 40 days). The first Sunday, I thought I would completely crack if I didn’t stick with water, so I continued with only water. However, last Sunday I decided to have a glass of soda. (Soda was on sale 10 bottles for $10 and my mom said she “couldn’t resist!” Even though my brother and I were both trying to do 40 days – he has since failed) It had been 11 days since I last had soda, so I poured myself a giant glass of Wild Cherry Pepsi. Usually one of my favorites. My mom sat there cracking up at all the faces I had made. It was entirely too sweet, and tasted SO fake. I couldn’t believe that I would have had this reaction after only 11 days, and I can’t imagine what it will be like after 40+ (I’m not sure I’m going to skip out on my Sundays again after last week). But one of my goals for the year WAS to cut back on Soda. Perhaps cutting it out entirely won’t be such a bad thing.

Another interesting thing is whenever I hear someone mention a drink, on TV, at work, wherever, I always am like “OMG I WANT THAT!” Kitty on That 70s Show mentioned making Shirley Temples and it was 1 in the morning and I was like “Well that sounds good.” One day at work I got in my head that I wanted an Orange Julius. I haven’t had one in YEARS… I’m talking like 10+ years but it was all I wanted that day (and I am proud to say I did not get one and still have not gotten one)

The strangest thing though was when there was a breakfast commercial with a nice big glass of milk. I am not a milk drinker at all, but I was like “WOW! That glass of milk looks GREAT!” And then I stop and think about how lucky I am to HAVE these options. If I wanted I could go to the mall and get an Orange Julius. Next time I am at the bar I can ask for a Shirley Temple.

But these people I am raising money for – they have no choice. They have water and it is not clean water.

And I think that is really what 40 days is all about. Realizing how lucky you are to have what you have. As well as helping others try to get to that point. $1 will provide clean water to 1 person for a whole YEAR, which is amazing.

Would You Rather Wednesday

February 25 
Have confederate flag irises
Velcro body hair?

Velcro body hair, I think that could come in handy.  Maybe. I don’t know. lol

February 26
Have skin 15 times bigger than it needs to be
have skin half as big as it needs to be?

I’m going to go with 15 times bigger because I think smaller would be painful.

February 27/28
Be able to make change for a dollar by putting it in your mouth
be able to make amish people break-dance?

Definitely make change.  Although that would be gross, it would probably be helpful at times.

March 1
Be 50 pounds heavier and look it
300 pounds heavier, but look the same as you do now?

 Uhh 300 lbs but look the same. 

March 2
Have all your shirts made of bologna
Have hair that changes color and falls out in the fall?

I love bologna, so I am going to go with shirts of bologna.  Hopefully I don’t get hungry and eat all my clothes though.

March 3
Have living eyebrows that crawl about your face
leave a trail of paprika wherever you go?

Trail of Paprika!


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