March 24, 2010

Would You Rather Wednesday

March 18
Have a crazy fun-house-styled rear-view mirror
Strobe light headlights?

Strobe light headlights would drive me more crazy than a fun house mirror – so I am going with rear-view mirror!

March 19
Have mood Irises (change color according to your mood)
make the sound of a motorcycle engine revving when laughing?

Mood irises. Otherwise I’d become more obnoxious than I already am.

March 20/21
Drink a big gulp of sweat wrung out from NBA players undergarments
A bowl of ice cold saliva tapped with floss residue collected over ten years from british homeless men’s teeth?

Honestly I don’t think I can think about this one without getting sick so I am not going to answer.

March 22
Appear as Ice-T in the Mirror
Have a bizarre neurological condition in which anytime you enter a room, darth vader’s theme sounds?

Definitely Darth Vader’s theme. That would be pretty cool, and appropriate, I think.

March 23
Always have to wear ultra-ultra low-riding jeals (waistline is below the genitals)
ulta-high riding jeans (waistline above the nipples)

Neither of these seem very comfortable at all – but I will go with ultra-high. I could make them look like overalls.

March 24
Have a rare disorder that allows you to dispose of bodily waste only in pool table pockets
that forces you to have to urinate in mailboxes?

Ok this one is just ridiculous, again, I’m not answering!

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