August 21, 2016

Book Review: If You Were Me and Lived in… Egypt

egyptIf you were me and lived in Egypt is another book in the series of books which helps introduce children to different cultures around the world. Throughout the book there are pronunciations for various words, there are great illustrations and a lot of information of what life would be like if the child lived in Egypt.

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Join Carole P. Roman when she visits the stunning and exciting land of Egypt in the newest book of her informative series. Learn why this ancient land is often called “The cradle of civilization.” Travel down the Nile to discover Egypt’s fascinating history. See the land through the eyes of a youngerst like you and understand what life is like in this exotic place.

Book Review: If You Were Me And Lived in Kenya

kenyaIf You Were Me and Lived in Kenya is a way to teach kids about different cultures around the world. This book talks about where you may live if you lived in Kenya, what you would eat and what your name might be. It also includes what kind of animals you might see and toys. There is a lot of great information in this book.

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Let’s travel to Kenya! Number five in this exciting series travels to Africa to learn about the thrilling country of Kenya. This extraordinary book “If You Were Me and Lived in…Kenya- A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World” explores life for children on a new continent. The book touches on many familiar topics such as names, money, games,and food as well the sites and sounds that come with living in Africa. Embraced by educators, parents, and children, the series gently and respectfully introduces the subjects of cultures and customs around the world.

Book Review: If You Were Me and Lived in Mexico

mexicoIf you were me and lived in Mexico teaches you all about what your life would be like if you were growing up in Mexico, what the money is called, where you may live and what kinds of toys you may play with.

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

“If You Were Me and Lived in …Mexico-A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World” is the first entry in an exciting new children’s series that focuses on learning and appreciating the many cultures that make up our small planet. Perfect for children from Pre-K to age 8, this book is a groundbreaking new experience in elementary education. Interesting facts and colorful illustrations help children realize that although the world is large, people all over the globe are basically the same.

Book Review: If You Were Me and Lived in Renaissance Italy

italyAnother book that combines history with geography and lets you know what you life be like if you lived in renaissance italy. It compares a bit of what it is like there now and what it was like before and what your life would be like if you lived in those times.

Again, the text and page color made things hard to read. At the end of the book there are some people who were famous from the Italian Renaissance.

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review.

About the Book

Join Carole P. Roman and explore what life might have been like in different time periods around the world. Begin with Ancient Greece, travel to Renaissance Italy, see what life was like in Elizabethan England, and experience Colonial America all through the eyes of a student like you.

Similar to her award-winning, non-fiction cultural series that introduces customs and cultures to elementary students, this ground-breaking series takes the theme to another level describing life in different civilizations throughout the world history for older students.

Occupations, food, clothing and recreation as well as important people pepper the book, opening a gateway for discussions and lessons.

Book Review: If You Were Me and Lived in… Italy

italyAnother book in the If You Were Me and Lived in… series. This time we went to Italy. I liked this book a lot because my grandmother and grandfather used to live in Italy but came over to America when they were very young, so it was nice to see a book with some of my ancestors in it.  As with the other books, there are a lot of great things to learn in all of these books.

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Join Carole P. Roman as she visits the Republic of Italy. Learn what it is like to live in Rome, see the famous architecture, celebrate a favorite holiday and discover popular names for both boys and girls. Be fascinated with it’s diverse and rich history and colorful traditions. On the way, you might learn a word or two in Italian!

Book Review: If You Were Me and Lived in… Elizabethan England


Another of the historical books in the if you were me and lived in series. This one is about Elizabethan England and was a lot of fun to read. I actually learned where the meaning of “it’s raining cats and dogs” came from in this book – so I’ll never say you can’t learn anything from kids books! I really enjoy learning about different cultures and histories in this book series!

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Join Carole P. Roman and explore what life might have been like in different time periods around the world. Begin with Ancient Greece, travel to Renaissance Italy, see what life was like in Elizabethan England, and experience Colonial America all through the eyes of a student like you.

Similar to her award-winning, non-fiction cultural series that introduces customs and cultures to elementary students, this ground-breaking series takes the theme to another level describing life in different civilizations throughout the world history for older students.

Occupations, food, clothing and recreation as well as important people pepper the book, opening a gateway for discussions and lessons.

Book Review: If You Were Me And Lived In Colonial America

americaThis is another one of the If You Were Me and Lived In books that combines geography and history. This one is about colonial america and some of the people who came over from England to America and what their life was like. It teaches about what they ate, how “breakfast” came from “break fast” and a lot of other fun things. The only down side is the text is white on brown which got a little bit obnoxious to continue to read all in one go.

I received a copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Join Carole P. Roman and explore what life might have been like in different time periods around the world. Begin with Ancient Greece, travel to Renaissance Italy, see what life was like in Elizabethan England, and experience Colonial America all through the eyes of a student like you.

Similar to her award-winning, non-fiction cultural series that introduces customs and cultures to elementary students, this ground-breaking series takes the theme to another level describing life in different civilizations throughout the world history for older students.

Occupations, food, clothing and recreation as well as important people pepper the book, opening a gateway for discussions and lessons.

Book Review: If You Were Me and Lived in… Ancient Greece

greeceIf you were me and lived in Ancient Greece is another in the “If you were me and lived in” series, but it takes it a step further to turn it into a history lesson as well as it is not present day Greece, but instead, Ancient Greece. A little bit of history, a little bit of Geography and a lot of fun to travel the world from the comfort of you own home.

I received a free copy of this book in order to write this review.

About the Book

Join Carole P. Roman and explore what life might have been like in different time periods around the world. Begin with Ancient Greece, travel to Renaissance Italy, see what life was like in Elizabethan England, and experience Colonial America all through the eyes of a student like you.

Similar to her award-winning, non-fiction cultural series that introduces customs and cultures to elementary students, this ground-breaking series takes the theme to another level describing life in different civilizations throughout the world history for older students.

Occupations, food, clothing and recreation as well as important people pepper the book, opening a gateway for discussions and lessons.

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