March 21, 2014

Book Review: Goodnight Angels

goodnightangelsGoodnight Angels is a great book geared towards children. (It is a nice hard cover with hard pages to put up with the wear and tear that a toddler will put it through!)  It is about a little boy who is saying Goodnight for the day – to his friends, to his toys, to his parents and of course – to God and angels.  A super sweet story, great for bedtime for the little ones with a great message and great illustrations!

About the Book

Now available in the popular board book format, Goodnight Angels is a beautifully written bedtime book for young children that presents a new spin on the bestselling, Goodnight Moon complete with the message of prayer and thankfulness.

This charming bedtime story in the vein of Goodnight Moon will lull little ones to sleep with its soothing rhymes and gentle rhythms. Children will love the board book format, and parents and grandparents will love the quiet message of peace and gratitude for God’s tender, loving care.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Review: The Memory Child


memorychildI’m really not sure how to tell you about this book because there is a HUGE twist (which I had an inkling of pretty early on in the book) but if I tell you what it is – it will ruin the book for you and I certainly don’t want to do that.

The book follows the lives of Diane and Brian.  Both of them are big into their jobs and are pretty big deals at their companies.  In fact, Diane gets a promotion just as she finds out that she is pregnant with the couples first child.  Diane is terrified because her mother killed her baby brother and then herself after suffering postpartum psychosis.  The doctors aren’t sure if it is hereditary or not and Diane hopes that those around her will be able to see the signs and help before its too late should she suffer from it as well.

Brian told his job that he’d like to travel less now that the baby is due, but he also gets a promotion that needs him to be in London around when the baby is going to be born to help set up a new office. They hire a nanny to help out Diane who is now on bed rest until the baby is born.

Although the book gave me clues to figure out what the twist was, I was never really 100% sure that it was going to be what actually happened so I needed to keep reading to make sure that I was right. As I kept reading there seemed to be more and more clues but ultimately I was on the right track but there was a lot more to what was going on than I had figured out on my own.

I often have issues with endings of books but I think that this one had just the right amount of closure and gave me what I was looking for and didn’t leave me hanging or confused.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.


The story of a married couple, Diane and Brian, that learn they are pregnant with their first child has come at an unfortunate time.  Brian is thrilled with the news since he has patiently waited for twelve years to become a father, however Diane is unsure of her excitement.  With her family’s dark past, her recent promotion, and Brian being called away to London for work parenthood has arrived unexpectedly.  When a year has passed and Diane is completely head over heels in love with her precious baby girl, Grace, Brian has still not returned from London.  Diane’s dark past collides with her mysterious new life and the surreal family drama is unveiled.

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