April 23, 2012

Book Review: Hollywood in Heels

Hollywood in Heels is an autobiography of sorts by Charity Gaye Finnestad.  I have to say, I absolutely loved Charity’s writing style and it made me want to keep reading to find out what she had going on in her life next.  The book starts with her backstage modeling lingerie for a party hosted by Puff Daddy. (Or PDiddy? Whatever.)  Then we flash back to her being a kid to find out just how it was she ended up in Tinsel Town.

All of the names of people in the book are changed – and she doesn’t just change them to another name starting with the same letter, she gives them all nicknames. “Stunt Girl”, “The German”, “Duck”, etc.  It is fun reading about all her experiences – be it with relationships with friends, guys or at modeling or extras.

I wouldn’t recommend this book to the younger crowd, while I do enjoy reading YA books this is definitely not one of them.  But I would recommend it to anyone else 🙂  The stories are great – and you just can’t make this stuff up!

I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher through Net Galley.

About the Book

Hollywood in Heels is the true story of a working model struggling to make it as a writer AND find meaningful relationships in a city where sex is the primary commodity and illusion the name of the game.

Sexy, smart, shockingly honest and wickedly hilarious, this memoir chronicles the life of Charity Gaye Finnestad, a small town girl from Oregon on a quest to make it in Tinsel Town.

From sipping on five-hundred dollar bottles of champagne in celeb-filled mansions in the hills to cruising the aisles of the 99 Cents Only Store to stock her fridge, Charity’s adventures are like nothing any dreamer could’ve imagined. While the landscape may differ from where many call home everyone will relate to the dating highs, hopes and heartbreaks she encounters along the way. Join Charity on her journey to catch her writing dreams and find the true love of her life to fly beside her.

Coming from 36 Inch Publishing, Hollywood in Heels will be available for purchase April  3, 2012 at Apple’s iBookstore, Amazon’s Kindle Store, and Barnes and Noble’s Nook books.

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