The Voice Quarter Finals
Monday night Team Blake vs Team Christina competed in the first round of the Quarter Finals. And there was a twist – someone would be eliminated before the voting lines open!
RaeLynn – She’s Country – Not impressed with her performance at all. Not sure why everyone seemed to think it was her best performance yet. It was mediocre and I don’t even know how she has made it this far.
Jesse – Halo – I wasn’t impressed by the song when he first started it, but he definitely came in to his own about half way through and did a great job. Although he may need to work on his breathing when singing. He seemed to be really winded near the end.
Jordis – A Little Bit Stronger – I thought this was a good performance, though I wasn’t familiar with the song.
Ashley – Foolish Games – Great performance. I really like her.
Erin – Set Fire To The Rain – I love Erin… but seriously, enough with the Adele singing competitions!
Lindsay – Part of Me – I liked Lindsay but I didn’t really like her take on that song.
Jermaine – love him! great performance.
Chris – I think it was a little bit too theatrical for me and while it wasnt bad, I know he is capable of more and I think he tried to stay safe.
Then it was time for the live elimination! I thought that although RaeLyn should be eliminated by Blake, it would be Jordis. I had a tougher pick with team Christina and chose Lindsay. Christina eliminated Jesse and Blake eliminated Jordis. (Man, this is HARD!)
For who is going through tomorrow night Erin and RaeLynn and Lindsay and Chris.
Tuesday it was time for the results, some Justin Bieber and The Wanted!
Team Christina went first and we found out that America saved Chris! And from Team Blake it was Jermaine (not one that I picked – but I am very happy with that choice America!)
Based on Team Christina’s performances of Ashley and Lindsay, I have to go with Ashley as the pick even though I had Lindsay as my pick based on last night. Too bad I changed my mind because Christina stuck with Lindsay, my original pick. (Which is odd because at one point I thought Christina would be sending her home last night. I am obviously not consistent at all with my picks!)
Based on Team Blake’s performances of Erin and RaeLynn, I obviously have to go with Erin. While I had picked RaeLynn to go through – it certainly had nothing to do with me liking her – I thought America was going to be responsible for that disaster. However, Blake has finally wised up and saved Erin! Bye, Bye RaeLynn.