Hanson Sounds Like Paper concert – LIVE tonight
Some of you may remember the Hanson/Drake concert in NYC in June got canceled due to fans rioting. Well, Paper Mag and Hanson are trying to make it up to us! Tonight at Roseland Ballroom in NYC, Hanson along with a few other acts will be performing for free. (No, Drake is not included)
Although I have tickets (that don’t guarantee admission), I still haven’t been able to shake the cold that I caught during my Hanson weekend at the end of last month, so unfortunately I don’t think I will be attending.
BUT! There is good news for me and everyone else who can’t make it to NYC tonight! Beginning at 9:15PM EST Hanson will be streaming their set (scheduled to end around 10pm) at Hanson.net. While it’s not the same as actually being there, it’s the next best thing.